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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Have You Ever Experienced A Fashion Regret? 10 Tips For Never Regretting a Fashion Purchase Ever Again.

Theo Pace


When I buy clothes, I want to make good investments. I want the clothes to be timeless in style, to last a long time, and to spend more time on me than on the hanger. I have learned how to do this well the hard way. There isn’t anything worse than making a purchase, then regretting it and feeling like I just wasted hard earned money.


I've fallen into several traps over the years. I bought outfits for “that event” that I thought I might attend. I've purchased things on vacation I didn't really need. I have also been drawn in by designer names at times. These kind of heat-of-the-moment purchases are what leads to fashion regrets.  

Clients often tell me they regret buying heels that are too high. They may look great, but being able to walk in them comfortably is important. Online ordering is another pitfall. Have you ever ordered something and been surprised by how different it looked in person? This is also similar to not trying things on in the store while shopping. There’s no way to know if it will fit well, or suit us, until we get home. Add a sale to the mix and you’ve got yourself a minefield of bad ideas.

So how do we avoid these regrets? How do we go shopping and come back with good investments?

Here are some things I like to think about before making a fashion sure to download my free “stylist in your pocket guide" below. I use it myself and it’s a huge help.


There have been many times in the past when I have purchased an item of clothing, only to realize it doesn't fit properly. If you're buying clothes that need countless alterations, you may never be satisfied with the final product. Be sure to try things on to save you the hassle of a return. If you are between two sizes it may be best to not purchase at all and pass on items that need more than a quick hem.


When I’m deciding what to wear for the day, I often pass on wearing an outfit that is uncomfortable. Is the jacket too snug in the shoulders making it difficult to drive? Can I walk more than 10 steps without holding onto my husband? It’s important to make sure your purchase is comfortable. Wear shoes around the department store and don’t just walk on carpeted areas, walk on hard floors too. Move around in an item. Sit, cross your legs, bend squat do whatever you do on a daily basis to be sure the item you are contemplating is comfy. If there is any doubt, leave it at the store!

MY style.

Many of my clients have told me that they have made purchases based on styles they admire on other women, rather than styles they know and love. Experimenting is all well and good, but when it comes to making a commitment to a new look, experiment with one item at a time. Get to know your own style first and think about if you would really wear this new look.

Does it fit my lifestyle?

The early morning school run, cleaning the house, sitting at a desk all afternoon; are your clothes built for this? If you’re not likely to wear your pearls and Chanel to the grocery store, it may be best to stick to some basic staples. On the other hand, if you’re always out on the town or at dinner parties, do you really need another pair of jeans?

Can I afford it?

Working out if you can afford something goes deeper than the money in your purse. Can you afford to wear the outfit regularly without fear that you’ll ruin it? Can you afford to get it repaired if you do? Sometimes we treat ourselves to clothes that we never end up wearing, because we’re afraid of wasting that money. But clothes are made to be worn, so find a comfortable price range and stick to it.

Do I have a place to wear it?

A big factor in why a lot of our garments lay unworn, is because we buy them for an occasion that may never come. I see many formal dresses that I feel are perfect for weddings and dinner parties, but I tell myself to hold back until I actually have the event to attend.

Does it fit a purpose, and fill a gap in my wardrobe?
Only going to the store when you need something will save you a lot of time and money. Pinpointing what you need and why you need it, will help you avoid repetitive buying. Hold the item you’re interested in and ask yourself; what purpose will this item fulfill? Where will I wear it? Will I wear it often? Is it something I don’t already own? Is there a deeper reason to purchasing it than ‘I just want it’?

Can I wear it with at least 3 other things in my wardrobe?

Before you buy an item, think about what you have at home to pair with it. Imagine what the garment will look like with 2-3 other pieces. Does the top fit with your favorite skirt? Can you wear that jacket with your favorite trousers or jeans? If the item can’t be paired with at least 2-3 items, you may want to leave it behind.

Do I really want this item, or is it just part of a tempting deal?

There may be a correlation between impulse sale buying and the clothes you don’t wear. How often do you buy clothes that are part of a buy-one-get-one-free deal? That free you wear it often? Deals often trick us into thinking we are saving money, but if you weren’t planning on buying the item anyway, you’re only spending more money, and giving up more space in your closet.

Brand Name.

It can be easy to be drawn to an item because it’s a name brand. The newest “It” bag or The must have designer shoes of the season are so beautiful and on everyone’s wish list. Does it mean we have to have them or are you drawn to them because of the logo? Imagine taking the name/logo off the item. Would it still be as appealing?

Want My Pocket Stylist Tool?

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Fashionably yours,

Theo signature_sm2-01.jpg


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It's Officially Fall And It's Still Hot...What Do I Wear?!

Theo Pace


It’s officially Fall and it’s upwards of 85 degrees in Florida! This is the time of year when I miss New England the most. I miss the leaves changing colors and the drops in temperature. I miss wearing chunky sweaters paired with boots and lighting fires. I especially miss Fall in New England when I have to remind myself that it is in fact October here! It’s still sooo hot. There isn’t a transition into Fall Fashion and we don’t have “sweatah weathah” yet.

Our first Halloween in Florida. I remember how odd this looked to me.

Our first Halloween in Florida. I remember how odd this looked to me.

I remember selling our snowblower to a man relocating from Florida to CT. His exact words to me were “You’re kids are going to hate it, it will be too hot to wear Halloween costumes!” My reply to him? “Well, yours will be as equally unhappy because they will have to wear a coat over theirs!” Well, as much as I know I was right, he was right too! We have been pretty fortunate this Fall, it has been much cooler for September than I can remember in the past couple of years.

So, how do we dress for Fall and still keep cool until the temps drop a bit? Here are a few of my tips to look “Fall” in warmer climates and still keep cool.

Not quite ready for a full on boot…I suggest bringing out mules of all heel heights.

I have tried wearing boots when it was 80 degrees and I thought I would die. Not only was it too heavy, but it was too hot! My suggestion here would be to wear backless shoes and boots known as mules. There are so many cute styles right now and lots of heel heights. Your toes are covered so you feel like you have a full boot on but your heel is out so you’re still cool! Can’t beat that!!

Wear lightweight, short sleeve or sleeveless toppers.

I pull out very light, airy toppers. Kimono style toppers always add a nice finish to a tank/tee or shorts/denim. Choose kimono’s with deeper jewel tones to feel more “Fall.” Vests are always a great option because they add the 3rd piece of interest to complete a look (without a lot of weight). My favorite is this short sleeve denim jacket…it doesn’t owe me a penny!!

Speaking of Color…Choose tees and tops in Jewel Tones. The weight will still be the same but the color will make you feel like your seasons are in fact, really changing.

Solid colored tees are always very easy to find. They will easily coordinate back with neutral bottoms or jeans. Finish it off with a cool rayon fabric scarf or wrap.

Choose Cotton/Poplin Casual Pants instead of Shorts.

I’m always a fan of cotton/poplin pants for a casual look. Khaki is a great neutral option but I love the deep hues offered for Fall. This denim skirt is super cute and can take you almost anywhere too! There are many crop pants out there with fun side stripe details to add a little flair. Consider it a nod to the military trend that’s so popular right now.

Bring out the “Winter Whites” and soft neutral tones.

This is not to say that I don’t think you can wear white or it’s wrong to wear white. I personally just don’t wear white come October(ish). I love pulling out winter whites and creams and combining them for an overall soft tonal look. The lighter colors will certainly be cooler but the layered look will “feel Fall.”

If you’re experiencing your own “personal Summers” and the thought of trying to “transition to Fall” in the higher 80 degree temps just isn’t your thing….

There is always changing up your nail color!

I hope you enjoyed my Transition Picks! See you next week when I’ll chat with you about Fashion Regrets!

Theo signature_sm2.png

Fashionably yours,

PS Little heads up…some of my suggestions may contain affiliate links. If you purchase through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more but I may earn a small commission, which helps my keep the lights on! Thank you!


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What Is The Value In Hiring A Stylist And Will It Actually Save You Money?

Theo Pace

How often do you feel like you have nothing to wear, and at the same time feel like you have no room in your closet? Hiring a stylist might be the best thing you could do for yourself. 


How often do you feel like you have nothing to wear, and at the same time feel like you have no room in your closet? Hiring a stylist might be the best thing you could do for yourself. 

I bet you’re thinking… well, what will a stylist really do for me? Why should I spend money on a stylist? I should be able to do this myself. It shouldn’t be that difficult. We all have that kind of guilt now and again; the one that makes you feel bad for not being SuperWoman.                                                           


Of course, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. However, you wouldn’t think twice about hiring a caterer for a wedding, or a carpenter to renovate a room. Leaving things to a professional relieves the pressure and stress. Watching the way someone works through the process can teach you a lot.

It may not be something you need every time you get dressed. You may choose to do it once a year or seasonally. 

So, why hire a stylist? Where is the value in it? 

Stop the Madness-Never say “I have nothing to wear again” and save money in the process!

Throughout my years as a stylist, I’ve found that one of the most common problem for women is repetitive buying. So many clients have told me how much I’ve helped them end the cycle of buying repetitive looks. 

Gravitating back to the same old designs and colors that you are comfortable wearing doesn’t refresh your look, nor does it save you money. In fact, it perpetuates the feeling of “I have nothing to wear.”


It can be frustrating to look at your fully stocked closet and feel like you can’t find anything to wear. If your wardrobe is getting larger and you still find it difficult to find variety, it’s because as you continue shopping for new looks, you inevitably end up purchasing things that look very similar to what is already in your closet. The vicious cycle continues!

With a fresh set of eyes on your wardrobe, a stylist can tell what items are being purchased over and over. We often tell clients “Do not buy ANY MORE black trousers!” or ”You don’t NEED another white tee shirt!” Having a stylist take an in depth look at your style and your wardrobe will bring you variety and comfort knowing that you have different options to wear.

Shop Your Closet! Have a curated closet tailored to your style, getting use out of pieces you already own!

I know it sounds obvious, but it’s more complex than you may think. A stylist will take you through your wardrobe and discuss what’s getting the most use and what you aren’t using and why. She will pair your items in different ways to create more looks.

This is where you will together determine where to allocate your budget. Think of it as a trip to the grocery store. You wouldn’t go to the store without a shopping list and your closet should be no different. What are you missing? What do you need to purchase to complete more looks in your wardrobe.

Sometimes a single piece of clothing can look entirely new when styled differently. Adding a piece of statement jewelry to a simple navy dress can transform it in seconds. Wearing a shirt dress as a duster with jeans may bring your dress back to life.  

Another problem I see is women buying outfits they feel they should be wearing, rather than styles they love. It may be tempting to follow trends to the letter and create an eclectic collection of outfits, but if you’re not in love with what you’re may never wear those clothes or more importantly never feel yourself in them. We dig deep to determine your style, or styles so that this doesn’t happen to you!

Time...Precious Time.


Hiring a stylist won’t just save you money, it will save you time. Think of the time you spend getting dressed in the morning, how long does it take you to pick out an outfit? It may feel like a daunting task, so oftentimes we fall back on the same old outfit just to save time. If you already have outfits planned beforehand, that is extra time you could be giving to other aspects of your life like spending time with your children, partner, and meeting your friends for coffee before work.


Working with me, you’ll have access to an exclusive app that makes this process much less frustrating. The app allows us to  photograph each item of clothing in your wardrobe and then pair them together  into “lookbooks.” (Catalogues of looks we create from your wardrobe!) We can create looks for specific occasions; evenings out, luncheons, or even PTA meetings. It takes the the guesswork out of finding the style you want to wear for the day, and the time you save on all that planning can be put towards many other things. This is all on your phone or tablet, right at your fingertips. You don’t have to stand in your closet trying to figure it out!

My Process. Feel the Frustration Drain Away.

We will work together to fill out an extensive questionnaire. This will help me get a real taste for your lifestyle, personality, likes and dislikes. Then, we will spend a couple of short hours delving into your wardrobe to see what can be re-styled, and what needs to go. Taking the time to “shop your closet” will help you become in tune with what potential outfits are in there and will save you a lot of time in the long run.

I love getting to know my clients. Putting a finger on why you need to rework your closet is key to how the journey progresses. We often times become good friends because I take the time to get to really know you, your style and your comfort level. In turn I like for you to know that I take the time to listen and not just create a look for you but help you discover what your look is!

Fashionably yours,


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Beauty Essentials Ms. Chacha and I Can't Live Without!

Theo Pace


Alex and I were chatting the other day about some of our favorite beauty essentials, everything from bathrobes to skin and hair products. We decided we like them so much we wanted to share them with you. Most items are things we found because friends and family recommended them and that is why we felt it was important to share!

So, here they are! Our favorites…all linked back at the bottom of this post to make it easy to read more about them and purchase if you wish!

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Hanro-Cotton Waffle Bathrobe. Alex and I get a lot of use out of a short light weight bathrobe. We love to wear them out of the shower, after moisturizing and while applying makeup. The waffle texture is great for absorbing moisture!

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Speaking of showers, this “Love Pumice 2 in 1 Pumice Stone for Feet” does the trick! We will even take these scrubs on vacation. Use them in the shower and then moisturize with the Goe Oil (also recommended here) to keep heels smooth! Definitely a must in sandal weather!

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Here’s the All Over Long Lasting Natural Body Goe Oil. By far our favorite body oil. A little goes a looong way! Especially moisturizing for those dry Winters in New England!! I first read about this on the Anthropologie website and then discovered it when we were in Utah. What a lifesaver.

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Speaking of the “trotters,” these UGG-Ansley Antoinette' Slippers are a winner. Alex and I have been believers in these slippers since we lived in CT. We still wear them in Florida! We promise...they won't owe you a penny!

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We must talk about all three of these products at once because they go hand in hand.

There are many hair towels/turbans out there. Don't be fooled. The Aquis Original Microfiber Hair Turban is the best! I think we’ve tried all of them! It absorbs moisture and really cuts down on drying time. Alex and I both love it.

Before brushing out that mane we both like to use this The Wizard Detangling Primer, by Amika. It’s a new one to our hair regimen thanks to Alex’s hair stylist. We purchased one bottle to try and we must purchase another because it goes back and forth between our two medicine cabinets!!

I don’t know how we got along all those years without the Wet Brush Flex Dry! Talk about "No More Tears!" I use it every day (so does Alex) on wet or dry hair!

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For those days when you don’t have time to wash your hair or you just need a refresh. We love this Batiste Dry Shampoo Clean & Light Bare. Dry Shampoo is a lifesaver!! I was using the colored ones for a while but I don't like the way the color comes off on towels. This version is lightweight and fresh! Spray from a distance, let it sit a minute and then blow dry it through!

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Here is another grouping of products that go well together…

We love having a spa headband and are not particular about which brand we use. I like to keep one in the guest bath too. They are also great when applying masks! I like this Terry Cloth Spa Headband, by Tatibana. It has a velcro closure instead of being an elastic pull on version.

Speaking of taking off makeup…I have used Lancome BI-FACIL - Double-Action Eye Makeup Remover for years. I have tried many others in between but always come back to Lancome.

Instead of using a cottonball my dear friend, Laurie, turned me onto these Shiseido Facial Cotton Squares. They are super for removing eye makeup when paired with the Lancome BiFacil. They are much easier on delicate skin areas.

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Although, this Clarisonic Mia Smart Sonic Facial Cleansing Brush has been on the market for a while, I only was able to try it yesterday at a special spa day that Alex and I shared. I can’t wait to get one! Maybe Santa will bring one!!! I don’t think a speck of dirt is left on the face and it’s super gentle.

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I always believe a makeup mirror is an essential. However, the older I get the more I need the magnification of a makeup mirror. I love this VESAUR - 10" Lighted Makeup Mirror - 5X Magnifying Mirror-LED Lights because it has both regular and magnifying mirrors and is pretty compact for small places.

This is the perfect time to talk about brows. I am obsessed with Anastasia Beverly Hills - Precision Tweezers and Anastasia Beverly Hills - Brow Gel. Don't let anyone use these tweezers for splinters! I always keep them in my makeup bag! The brow gel goes on smooth and doesn’t clump or flake.

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These Mario Badescu - Mist and Glow Facial Spray Collection, (3 Piece Set - Lavender, Cucumber, Rose) are wonderful after a day in the sun. This travel size is also great to take along as a refresher after Alex's riding or even in a carry on for after a flight. We each have a favorite but we'll let you decide which is your pick. We suggest the pack of 3 to sample first!

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This Yonka -Facial Spray (Normal And Oily Skin) Toner is a must, especially for both teens! I have been using it for years!!! I’m not kidding…probably since 1991!!! For any acne outbreaks (especially from riding or football helmets) I suggest compresses with the Shiseido cotton squares. It is amazing how well it works.

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I was lucky enough to sample The Countertime Collection for a week and I'm sold! Have you heard about BeautyCounter? “One by one, they are leading a movement to a future where all beauty is clean beauty. They are powered by people, and their collective mission is to get safer products into the hands of everyone. Formulate, advocate, & educate—that’s their motto for creating products that truly perform while holding themselves to unparalleled standards of safety. Why? It’s really this simple: beauty should be good for you.” They are an amazing company and their products will not disappoint. The facial cleansing oil, Supreme Cream and Eye Renewal Cream were really impressive! I am also a fan of their foundation and toner pads (especially for traveling).

All products are linked in this catalog…Beauty Essentials Ms. Chacha and I Can't Live Without!

We hope you enjoyed the suggestions! Would love to hear any of yours. You can always email us or dm @therealchachaolivia.

Fashionably yours,

Theo signature_sm2.png


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Taking Runway to Everyday...Fall 2019

Theo Pace

How will you wear your skin and animal prints this Fall?

How will you wear your skin and animal prints this Fall?

Spring and Fall are my favorite times to watch the upcoming Fashion. The runway shows and extra large editions of my “go to” fashion magazines are packed with the newest designs. I love seeing the artistic expressions from so many designers. I’m not a “trend chaser.” I look to new seasonal “trends” for inspiration. I think it’s important to change up a wardrobe seasonally and find different ways to wear basics. If there happens to be a new look I’m attracted to, I like to find ways to incorporate it into every day life.

A couple of weeks ago I talked about some of the Fall 2019 trends that caught my eye. (I also talked about the ones I’m staying away from!) This week I will be sharing my way of translating these looks to every day life.

The items below are pieces I found that work well going from casual to work and then out to dinner. They are all takes on Runway looks that are showing up everywhere. With a few tweaks, like changing from denim to trousers or kicks to pumps these items can be so versatile. You’ll also find that some of the pieces I share overlap on more than one trend!

Suit Up And Strong Shoulders.

This is one of my favorite looks. I absolutely love using a topper on any outfit. It always makes me feel so complete. The navy blazer comes in a variety of colors and is a knit fabric. It is super comfortable and is under $100!

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Checks and Plaids.

Checks and plaids when done right are timeless. I love how each of these has a unique point of interest. The kelly green in the pant would be beautiful during the holiday. The patchwork trench will do more over any outfit than just your average camel colored basic! The window pane cardigan will go miles…literally. On the plane and then mixed with skirts and denim for different looks when you’re off the plane

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Dark Florals.

Why keep florals for Spring and Summer? When using darker prints or backgrounds, florals can add just enough color to bring some fun to your Fall and Winter wardrobe.

Showing Your Spots.

Every Fall Season animal and skin prints make their way back onto the runway. I am especially impressed this Fall with the added colors to the traditional prints. Check out the zebra print maxi dress below! The blouse below from CAbi mixes florals with skins. This is an example of overlapping trends.

Trench Coats.

I love how unique these two trench coats are. Anyone can show you a basic khaki trench. Why not have your topper say more about you than I need some protection from the rain!?

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Lovely In Lace.

When adding lace to your outfit, keep everything else simple.

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Maxi Skirts.

Maxi skirts and dresses are almost always for the warmer months. Not these! I love the weight of the knit ones. Paired with boots and turtlenecks they will go well into Winter.

It’s Not Easy Being Green.

I love green as an accent color. This Tory Burch Cross Body Bag doubles as a wallet if you ever tire of it as a bag!

Camel and White Combo.

Probably one of the richest trends right now. I love how classy this combo looks. I can’t wait to try it out!

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And, finally Knits.

Knit pieces can last a lifetime when cared for properly. This turtleneck dress is timeless. There’s that navy blazer again! Wait until you see all the colors it comes in. Don’t miss it!

If you’d like the links to the catalogs above, sign up for my weekly emails below and I will be in touch. I’d be happy to share them with you and show you how my new virtual closet works. We share your personal items in an app and I help you create outfits from your existing pieces. I can also suggest new pieces to change your looks around! I am so excited to share this with you!

Fashionably yours,

Theo signature_sm2-01.jpg


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