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5 Ways to Dress for Fall When it Doesn't Feel Like Fall

Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


5 Ways to Dress for Fall When it Doesn't Feel Like Fall

Kristen Peterson

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been flat-out wacky. I'm referring to several different things of course, but in this particular context, it's the weather. In early September, a huge snowstorm blanketed a large portion of the western United States, dumping as much as nine inches of snow in some areas. Meteorologists said it was "one of the earliest snowstorms on record." There were two weeks of summer officially left! Then last week, which was November, the entire Midwest experienced an unusual heatwave with temperatures reaching the upper 70s. And let's not forget the apocalyptic "firenado" in northern California in August. Even if you live in a place where you can generally count on crisp fall weather, things can change.

To be honest, I (and I'm guessing most of you) don't really mind the warm fall temperatures – but it sure does make it difficult to get dressed for the day. You need a full-blown winter coat when you leave in the morning but by 11:00 AM, it's too warm for long sleeves. As a former New Englander who now lives in Florida, I can relate to this all too well. I would love to throw on a chunky sweater and some tall boots, but that's probably not in the cards anytime soon. Knowing that so many of you are in the same boat, I've put together my best tips for dressing for fall even when it's pushing 80 degrees.

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Skirts in fall fabrics

Nothing says fall quite like suede and corduroy, but let's be honest – those fabrics can be hot. If you're in a warm-weather climate, a great workaround for this is to wear skirts. They have that unmistakable fall look without being too warm. If a cold snap happens to come through, you can wear a pair of tights underneath or (finally) pull out your favorite tall boots. This season's fall skirts have fun details like pockets and tie-waists.

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Sweater vests

Before you give me the side-eye, hear me out. Modern sweater vests have come a long way since the '70s. True, they’re absolutely retro, but in a decidedly chic sort of way. Sweater vests also complement virtually everything (really!), so it’s east to make them work for you. Go ahead – put on one of your go-to outfits, then top it with a sweater vest. I’m willing to bet you’ll be surprised by how much you like the result. I personally love the cable-knit details and button-up styles because they add interest and texture, plus they almost mimic “real” sweaters. View my latest IGTV video for different ways to wear this trend!

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Lightweight kimonos

If you really can't get on board with sweater vests, give kimonos a try. As you know, I'm a huge fan of layering. Adding a third piece of clothing to any outfit really does make you look more put-together, even if you're wearing something as casual as a graphic tee and jeans. I especially love light, airy kimonos because they're chic yet comfortable and effortless and they can be worn all year. Opt for jewel tones for fall, then wear the kimono as a swimsuit coverup in the summer – voila!

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Long-sleeved dresses

I love the balanced silhouette of a mini- or midi-dress with long sleeves. It has that classic sweaterdress look, but can be made of a much lighter material (remember, fake it 'til you make it!). Pair it with low booties and a statement necklace and you're done! This look can also be easily dressed up or down by pairing it with different jacket styles. Throw on a denim jacket or even vest for a more low-key look, or choose a peacoat or blazer for a dressier look.

Since a dress is essentially a one-piece outfit, balance is crucial. If your dress is a solid color or has a neutral print, wear statement shoes, like a pair of white ankle booties. And vice-versa, if the dress has a bold design, opt for neutral footwear.

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I think mules must have been created by a fellow Floridian, someone who wanted to wear boots in the fall but knew they were way too heavy and hot. Whoever it was, I'd like to thank them – I love a good pair of mules. The whole front of your foot is covered so you feel like you're wearing boots, but mules are backless, so you stay nice and cool. This season, there are fabulous mules in all sorts of styles and heel heights. Pair them with cropped jeans, a skirt, or even a dress – just make sure it's something that shows off the mules' details.


I hope these transitional wardrobe tips are helpful, especially for my fellow warm-weather dwellers. Let me know which combos you try and be sure to tag me in your outfit photos on Instagram @therealchachaolivia! Stay (fashionably) cool my friends!

Happy Styling,

Theodora Signature-01.png


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