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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


10 Ways To Style Joggers When You're Over 50

Theo Pace

The athleisure fashion trend is hotter than ever and joggers are its center. Joggers are pants that taper at the bottom and typically hit between mid-calf and just above the ankle. That's really the only "rule" when it comes to joggers and beyond that, they can have many different features. Some have thick leg cuffs, some have a simple elasticized band. Some are high-waisted, some are low-rise, and some have pockets, while others don't. 

It's easy to think of joggers as strictly loungewear or a "young" style, especially because they've become a gym staple and a go-to clothing item for millennials. However, there's much more to these seemingly casual pants than what initially meets the eye. The key to wearing joggers when you're older is to style them purposefully, as opposed to throwing them on and treating them as sweatpants – even if yours happen to be technically, well, sweatpants!

I've put together 10 – yes, 10! – of my best styling tips for how to wear your joggers. These tips work for anyone, but are especially geared toward women over 50.

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1. Look for dressier fabrics.

Faux leather, like the ones I featured in an IGTV video, pair equally well with fashion sneakers or pumps. Crepe, twill, and striping down the sides are also fabulous choices.

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2. Wear a slim fit style

In order to not feel like you're borrowing your daughter's sweats, it's important to choose fitted joggers, rather than baggier, more relaxed pairs.

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3. Pair joggers with booties or heels

Wearing a fierce pair of shoes is one of my favorite ways to look chic in jogger pants. As a bonus, your legs appear elongated and slimmer as a result of wearing heels combined with a little flash of skin at the ankles. 

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4. Top your joggers with a blazer

There's perhaps no item of clothing more structured than a blazer. That's why, when paired with decidedly unstructured joggers, the result is an incredibly refined, modern look. 

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5. Coordinate your top to your joggers

I love a great set, but it can be tricky to not get too matchy-matchy. Instead of going for allover tie-dye, pick different shades of the same color, like light blue with navy. 

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6. Add a crisp blouse

This look borrows from the hot menswear trend, which works beautifully with slim-fit joggers. To give this combo a feminine flair, accessorize with plenty of jewelry or fun shoes – or both, like I did in the IGTV video!

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7. Make sure your overall look is finished

When wearing joggers, it's easy to look like you ran out of the house in your sweats. To avoid this, put some thought into all the details of your outfit from head to toe. This could be as simple as wearing a coordinating top or putting on some jewelry, but it makes a huge impact.

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8. Go monochrome

Black is so timeless and it's slimming. Create a chic, all-black outfit with a fitted top and minimal accessories.

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9. Don't forget to accessorize

With something as casual as joggers, accessories can really make the outfit. Sure, some outfits call for a statement necklace, but don't underestimate the power of a simple belt occasionally. If you go back and look at the video, you'll notice I'm wearing jewelry or a watch with literally every outfit. Those are the details that help "finish" your look. 

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10. Add a statement piece

It's amazing what a fabulous handbag, a great hat, or a faux fur vest can do for an outfit!

So, what do you think? Are you ready to give joggers a try? I'd love to see the outfits you come up with, so please tag me on Instagram @therealchachaolivia. One final thing: Joggers are outrageously comfortable and a lot of fun to wear, especially if they're new to you. Don't be surprised if you find that you're suddenly wearing yours on repeat!

Happy Styling!,

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