How To Look Great When You're Running Late!
Theo Pace
Ever have one of those days when you just didn’t have time to plan your outfit or you just weren’t comfortable in the outfit you planned to wear? Isn’t it the worst feeling when you start running late because you can’t decide what to wear because nothing feels right or you’re just not comfortable in what you’re putting on?
I’m much better at planning outfits now. I had this horrible period of time when I would have a countdown of the hours and minutes to an event without an outfit plan. I knew I was in trouble if I was showering for the event and still didn’t know what to wear. I would then start thinking about it while I was drying my hair. Still no outfit. Ok…I’ll come up with it while I’m doing my makeup. The clothes start flying off the hangers and nothing feels right. Then my husband starts with “we are going to be late” Then it becomes “we are late!” Does this sound familiar?
Thankfully this hasn’t happened in a while because I’m much better at planning. However, life isn’t perfect, I’m not always organized. Sometimes I am organized, however, the outfit doesn’t fit as well as it did the last time I wore it.
I want to give you some of my tried and true tips on how to choose an outfit when you didn’t have one planned, or you’re “just not feeling it” with the outfit you set aside.
Stop! Don’t Try To Style Something You Haven’t Worn Before!
Just purchase a really unique pair of pumps? Don’t try to style them right before you are heading out the door.
I am always excited to wear something new. However, if you don’t have the perfect items to go with those new shoes, new blazer or new blouse this is not the time to try to pair them up! Figure out the outfit when you have the time and then wear it. You will waste a lot of energy and time trying to make an outfit work by trying to match up something new for the first time. You’ll also run the risk of not really liking the way it looked once you get back home.
Have a select group of outfits that are “go to’s”
There are many times we wear an outfit and love the way it looks. Snap a pix of these outfits and keep them in your phone or in your closet and use those outfits as “go to’s.” You may feel like you’ve worn this outfit before, however, I would choose comfort and confidence in my outfit over arriving late.
Rather than having to search your phone for the photos or look through pictures hanging in your closet, you might want to consider my “virtual closet” app. It is so amazing. It saves time and money! No more repeat purchases or struggling with “what do I wear with this?” Your wardrobe and outfit combinations are right at your fingertips in an app on your phone. Check out Ways to Work With Me to see how it all works!
Classic Audrey Hepburn. This is a classic “go to” look especially if you are in a rush!
Thank you for the photo pixaby.
Wear all black.
When all else fails, wear black. Pair your black turtleneck and black trousers with your favorite pumps or flats. You can keep the shoes simple or wear them as an accent piece. Too warm for a turtleneck? Try a sleeveless blouse and pencil skirt. You’ll look chic AND COMPLETE!
Wear a dress or jumpsuit.
A dress or jumpsuit is such an easy “one and done” look. You only have to add a necklace or earring and the shoe and voila, you’re ready to go!
The most important thing to remember is to keep it simple. If you don’t have the time to plan an outfit from head to toe then I would suggest sticking with what you know! You are better off arriving on time and feeling confident with what you have on.
I hope these tips are helpful to you. If you would like to chat about how I can help you put together some “go to’s” let’s chat. I’d love to offer a free 30 minute consult. Email me at and we can set up a time.
Fashionably yours,