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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


10 Ways To Look Slimmer Instantly!

Theo Pace


I never thought I'd be writing a post about how to look slimmer. However, no one has asked me how to look bigger (yet). During this time of life I am not at my most confident about my body or weight. I would like to look slim too. So, please don’t take offense. I hear women asking all the time…”does this make me look big? Can I wear this? Does it add weight to my frame?”

Before I meet with any new client I have them fill out an extensive questionnaire. I like to get to know someone before our first meeting so we can dig right in once we are together. One of the most important things I like to understand is what parts of the body my clients like to accentuate and which ones they would rather minimize. For example, I will not try to convince a client that they should wear sleeveless if they would rather minimize their arms. I may tell them that I think their arms look great because I really do think they look great. However, I know when I’m not secure about wearing something I would rather not feel self conscious.

Not that I don't think you look beautiful the way you are...but because you asked.

On to the tips!!

Most of these tips work on creating an illusion of length and height. Whenever your eye is drawn vertically the look is more slimming.

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Wear a v-neck not a crew neck.

A v-neck tee will draw your eye up and down and create length. A crew neck top, although great for layering, will stop the eye around the neck and shoulders. This isn’t to say these aren’t flattering necklines at all. Given the choice, a v-neck will create more length rather than width.

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Wear Dark Wash instead of Light Wash Denim.

A dark wash denim will also elongate by drawing your eye vertically. A lighter wash, especially one with more fading and/or whisker details, will halt your eyes at your hips and thighs. This denim example is the exact same jean in two different washes. Quite a difference, don’t you think?

Wear heels vs flats.

Any time you add a little bit of height to your look you create a longer leaner look. You don’t have to wear pumps. Try a wedge or block heel for comfort and still create some added height.

Wear one color head to toe.

Wearing a monotone look is the oldest trick in the book. Again, you are creating a long and lean look and this works especially well with darker colors. More advanced monotone looks come together when you mix variations in the color tone. I would suggest sticking with a darker version…black and navy are a great place to start.

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Wear Long Pendant Necklaces Vs Short.

Creating a vertical line can be done with necklaces too. They come in all lengths. Depending on your height you may not want to choose the longest one you can find. Keep in mind creating the illusion of an upright line is key.

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Wear a Duster, even if you’re petite.

A duster is a cardigan that falls anywhere from right below the knee to your ankle. Even on petites this can be a flattering style if done right. We are creating a longer silhouette with the length.

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Wear nude shoes when wearing short skirts.

Wearing a nude shoe with shorter skirts and dresses is a great tip in elongating. By opting for a color close to your skin tone your eye doesn’t stop and break at the look of a color against your skin. This look should only be worn with a bare leg!

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Wear a structured blazer.

A blazer that has more shape will flatter your figure as opposed to a boxy version that will look like you are trying to cover up.

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Find a well fitting bra and panty.

One of the most overlooked areas in a women’s wardrobe is undergarments. A well fitting bra will literally make the most important difference in the way an outfit falls. Don’t skimp on this important detail. I personally love the “vanishing back” from Soma Intimates.

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Volume and Proportion.

Remember to balance your outfit. Wearing two oversized pieces together will add weight. If you want to wear something oversized always add a slimmer piece to balance out your outfit. For example, try an oversized sweater with a faux leather legging. Try a wide leg pant with a slimmer turtleneck.

I hope you enjoyed the tips and would love to hear if you try any of them. Interested in any of these items? They are linked in this catalog…10 Ways To Look Slimmer Instantly

Fashionably yours,

Theo signature_sm2.png

A little heads up…Some of my suggestions may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something from one of those links you won’t pay a penny more but I may earn a small commission, which helps keep the lights on! Thank you!


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