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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Best Way to Add Color to Your Wardrobe

Sol Operation Solutions


Are you in a color rut? or a "colorless" rut might be a better way to describe it! Is your closet full of black and neutral pieces?

I bet every time you wear color you receive lots of compliments. I'm also willing to bet it's an instant mood booster. I know it is for me! And, in 2020, who can't use a mood booster!

Did you know that wearing specific colors, (color therapy) has been used in spiritual and chakra healing for many years to help raise good vibrations? It really works!

It would be very easy to recommend changing your nail polish, adding a pop of color to your handbags or shoes and those are great ways to bring in colors but are still a little non-commital.

Here are three great ways to bring color to your wardrobe to brighten your complexion and your mood. These suggestions will add color to where it matters most (to your face), they don't have to cost a lot of money and won't create outfit dilemma by making them difficult to style.

1) Tops and Tees

Tees are easy because they don't have to cost a lot of money and you can accessorize with a necklace or fun scarf to make your outfit look more than just a tee and bottom. Try using the scarf around your waist or belt loop to coordinate the whole look. If a tee is too casual for what you need try a cardi layering piece combo. aka as twinset. this doesn't have to be your mother’s twinset, it can be very updated by wearing the cardi tied and worn across your shoulders, around your waist or "shoulder robed" just covering your shoulders.

2) Dresses

These don't require a lot of fuss because you pretty much have one piece to worry about and all you have to style is the shoes. You can have a little more fun here by making it a dress in a print. Find prints you love...geometric, floral, large floral?

Dresses are a great way to spruce up your wardrobe. With an easy shoe and accessory swap, you can go from casual to dressy in a minute!

3) Let’s Talk Makeup

Shake up the lipstick and shadows. You don’t have to be super bright, just bringing your lip color up a notch will do the trick! Pre-COVID, I was in a HUGE makeup rut…I noticed how much better I looked on video calls with just a pop of color on my lips. I still love my natural, neutral lips, but if I am going to be on a video call I “take it up a notch”!

Some Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the easiest ways to add a pop of color to any wardrobe. There are endless ways to add color to your closet and if you want to shake up your color vibes, I’d love to help!

In the meantime, I’d love to see your color picks in action! Please share your photos with me @TheRealChachaOlivia or use #ChachaOliviaStylingTips. I love seeing all your creativity come to life and confidence bloom through your style.

As always my beautiful ladies, I offer free, no-obligation 30 minute calls for those who want to learn more about working with me. I’m not kidding…this is a chance to chat with me for 30 minutes about your questions, your fashion and styling needs, and your wonderings about working together. No stress, no commitment, just a good chat. I hope to chat with you very soon!

Fashionably Yours,

Just a little reminder for those ladies that are thinking about signing up for my Signature Service: Stylist In My Pocket. I’m happy to answer any questions via email about this service and how it works. But don't think on it too long, there are only 4 spots left! Sign up today and let's get stylin'!

Thank you!



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