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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Style Roadblocks-What Is Keeping You From Wearing What You'd Really Like To Wear?

Theo Pace


Just recently I was told to make this my year of “yes!” 

Of course, right after starting my year of “yes,” I was asked to do a couple of things out of my comfort zone! Paddle boarding with the family was one and the other was a request from one of my favorite boutiques asking me to do a “ IG try on session.”

The Year of YES! Ms. Chacha is getting a big kick out of me actually standing!

The Year of YES! Ms. Chacha is getting a big kick out of me actually standing!

I’m not really comfortable doing these videos.  I’m not an influencer.

I am a personal stylist. I’m super happy if you like my style and want to know what I’m wearing because you would like it for yourself.  But, I’d prefer to get to know you first. I want to make sure you are purchasing  what appeals to you and what you would want to wear. 

However, this is the year of “yes!” so... I said “YES!” 

I picked up the clothes from the local boutique and brought them home to “try on” and video for my instagram stories. There were shorts in one of the bags. “Awe man, I don’t really wear shorts!” I am never really cool in them. I dislike when my legs stick to things. And, to be honest, I have never felt 100% about my legs. But, I committed to the session. I had to try them. 

They are in fact really nice shorts. I liked the fabric and the quality. I was actually a little surprised. I “kind of” liked them on me and yet I wasn’t sure if I would wear them. I wasn’t sure if I could commit.

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Little segway here...I have been rereading “Girl, Wash Your Face:  Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be” by Rachel Hollis. I have heard a lot of people talking about it recently and decided I should read it again, especially seeing that this is my year of “Yes.” In a nutshell, Rachel discusses how the lies we tell ourselves hold us back.

I was not been able to find any lies.  Really? I guess I wasn’t digging deep enough because all of a sudden I heard the voice. I don’t remember when I heard these words, or who said it...


Theo Thunder Thighs” 

Wow….how could I forget that!? 

Maybe I didn’t forget it. Maybe I just chose not to think about it. Instead, I just said “I don’t wear shorts.” 

Maybe it’s not a lie I told myself but it’s something someone said and I believed it. 

There is so much more to defining your style than picking out clothes that appeal to you.

Style doesn’t begin and end with an outfit.

Most importantly it begins in our minds. 

There are many things that happen during our lifetime that may block our ability to find our real style or try something new. Many of the reasons we dress the way we do is based on emotion and memory.

*Maybe someone called you chubby as a child? Or maybe someone said you were too thin?        *Too tall? Too short?

*Did someone make fun of the way you dressed? 

*Maybe there is just a little fear about making a style change? What will people think? Will it look like I’m trying to be something I’m not? Will I look like I’m not dressing my age? Am I wearing the clothes I’m wearing because my friends are convincing me that this is “where it’s at?”

*Why do I avoid sleeveless? Short skirts? Or turtlenecks?

Can you think of any instances that would have caused you to have a “Style Roadblock?” There’s a very big chance you already did and you remembered when you read the questions above.  Maybe you need to think a little bit more about it?

I often encourage my clients to try new things.  My mom always told me…”You never know until you try!” She was right, sometimes I did know and it was horrific and other times, like with the shorts, I was pleasantly surprised. Once you realize what might be holding you back from trying something, you might just be ready to commit to it. 

So, be open, say yes, just try it.

I am so glad I was told to make this the “year of yes.”

I’m so glad Blessed Boutique asked me to do the try on session.

I’m really glad I reread the book and  I made the effort to dig deep. 

“You never know how it’s going to look unless you try”

Fashionably yours,

PS I bought the shorts!

PS I bought the shorts!


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