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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Do you experience "Outfit Paralysis"?

Theo Pace

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Do you ever experience “outfit paralysis”? You have this gorgeous pair of shoes you’re dying to wear and you just can’t figure out what to wear with them?

You can’t decide what to wear to a certain event and you find yourself online shopping to get a new outfit?

You are headed out to a casual dinner with friends and you aren’t sure if your outfit looks right? Does the outfit need anything else? Are these the shoes that I should wear? Am I wearing too many accessories? Do I need a belt? Should I tuck this tee shirt in?

You are packing for a trip (remember those days? This too shall pass and we will travel again) and you want to keep things simple but you always over pack. Or, you never bring the right combination of things? Too many bottoms, not enough tops?

This is what I call “Outfit Paralysis". Do you find yourself in any of these situations?

I love helping women in these circumstances. This personalized attention is just a small part of my signature service. They are called SOS texts! You send me a selfie, ask me a question and I give you the thumbs up, or tell you what you should do to tweak the look.

I love what I do and I want to be available to every kind of women in all walks of life. I wanted to create an experience that is user friendly with lots of options. Every woman will have different needs and budgets and I'm here to support you all. Personal Stylists are not just for the rich and famous!

After your closet is Re-Set into an app on your phone, you choose the way we communicate monthly.

Are you the…

  • Minimalist- You are mindful about your closet, budget, and wardrobe. You are intrigued by capsule wardrobes and simple packing strategies?

  • Fashionista- You want to enjoy your clothes and love having different ways to style them on a regular basis. Packing stresses you out and you'd love help planning trips?

  • or do you need VIP- You want it all and ultimately a personal stylist at your beck and call? I'm your gal!

Chacha Olivia covers them all! Click the link below to “learn more".”

Fashionably yours,



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