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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


A New Take on the Dreaded Closet Purge.

Theo Pace


So many people offer suggestions on how to take on this project...probably because it is (in my opinion) one of the worst jobs to tackle. Interestingly enough, I could purge my kids closet, a friends closet or my mother in laws closet with no problem. I am great at telling people what to toss, what to sell and what to keep! When it comes to my closet it is a whole different story.

This is such an overwhelming task. And, quite frankly, I don’t find it fun.  It was actually Anton (LOML and biggest fan) who suggested tackling this with some friends. I love this…we are always looking for ways to get together with girlfriends, right?  And, if you’re reading this blog you are probably all about fashion, right? And, we usually hang with like minded women, right?

Here’s how you go about it…

(Remember, these are difficult times and you might have to adjust the way you tackle this. Maybe your friends meet over Zoom or Facetime, maybe they come to your house and you wear your masks and try to stay distant. There are safe ways to tackle this project and have fun all while doing it safely!)

Sex and the City closet purge.jpg

1. Pick 2 of your closest friends. You know, the ones who know you best. The ones who get your lifestyle and your fashion sense. The ones who aren’t afraid to be honest with you.

2. Make arrangements to have a “girls night in.” Find a sitter. Buy some champagne or wine and some easy appetizers that you don’t mind serving in your bedroom.  

3. Before the guests arrive pull out all the “question marks” in your closet. This means anything that needs altering, anything you haven’t worn in a while or anything that you are having trouble pairing up with other things in your wardrobe. You might find a rolling rack and a folding table helpful.  

4. Start a donate bag and a toss bag. You can also start a “sell section” for online consignment to get a little cash back.

5. No need to waste time on things that are worn out or stained. Start the “toss” bag before the guests arrive. If it’s something that you love and you need to replace because you wore it a lot, start a “need to replace” shopping list. The same goes for worn out costume jewelry. Toss it!!!

6. Shoes are a little different. If they really hurt and you don’t wear them or can’t walk in them... life is too short for uncomfortable shoes! Leave these out for a suggestion on donate or “sell” or maybe one of your friends will find them comfortable.

7. When the guests arrive put on a fun playlist and start a fashion show. Remember the scene from “Sex and the City?” Let your friends help you it worth it to alter it?  Maybe they can pair up that item that’s not getting wear? Or maybe they will tell you to “just let it go?”

8. A nice thank you for your girlfriends could be a gift card to a favorite store, or
gift them a couple of your “donate” or “sell” items. I think it’s always fun to see
someone enjoy something that I wasn’t wearing and make it their own.

9. Pick a friend to bring the donate bag to the donation drop. If it hangs around
you may be tempted to pull things out.  Don’t look back!

10. Have fun and maybe your friends will ask to host the next one!

If you need to tackle this project alone, I totally get it. It can be done! I’d love to send you my list of helpful tips on how to make this a painless solo project, see below.


Fashionably yours,

Theodora Signature-01.png


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