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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Filtering by Category: Closet Cleanse

10 Helpful Closet Renovation Tips

Theo Pace

Not so long ago, my closet was filled to capacity. Probably over-filled, if I'm being honest. Because of its odd triangular shape, things were hard to get to and I couldn't keep all my clothes in it, no matter how many organizational strategies I tried. Shoes were still in boxes, undergarments and jewelry were in dressers in my bedroom, and it was just generally not an ideal situation for getting dressed comfortably or confidently. 

I knew I was long overdue for a closet renovation. 

Having just gone through the process, I want to share some tips and other things I learned along the way. Whether you're planning to embark on your own closet reno soon or you just need a more simple refresh, these tips can help you rework your closet so that you feel more at ease getting dressed.

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Enlist the help of a professional

Even if you feel totally comfortable planning out your closet from top to bottom, it's important to seek advice from a professional. They have access to all the latest and truly greatest organizational tools, items, and strategies to help you fully map out your closet. And the best pros take the time to sit down with you and learn about your lifestyle, then cater your closet to it! Even with my background, I got so many tips that hadn't even crossed my mind when I started this project. Leave it to the pros. 

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Don't overstuff your closet

This starts with a major closet cleanout. You don't want to build an all-new closet around clothes you aren't even sure about keeping, right? The more you see, the more you'll wear, and getting the most out of your closet is what this is all about. 

Having said that, I highly recommend taking your time purging your closet if possible. To put it mildly, it can be overwhelming. I had to empty mine completely prior to my closet renovation and it took me over a week to get through everything! It's also really helpful in terms of decision-making to step away occasionally, so I do not suggest trying to do a closet purge in one day. 

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Leave space for a full-length mirror

This tip seems so simple, but it's actually really easy to overlook when you're so focused on the bigger details. Even if the only available space is hanging on the back of a door, make sure you leave room in your closet (or very close to it) for a full-length mirror. It's a good idea to give yourself a once-over in the mirror before you leave the house!

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Try to keep all your like items together in the closet

If space allows, it's so helpful to organize your items by likeness. For example, hanging up all your blouses together means you'll know exactly where to look when you need one. This may mean switching out your closet in different seasons if space is limited. In the winter, store tanks and shorts in under-bed boxes and when it warms up, put sweaters away for the season.

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Hang up as much clothing as possible

To be honest, I hate folding things like tee shirts. Aside from being a nightmare to keep up with, I can't see all the details like graphics or sleeves. So, I hang just about everything except denim, sweaters, lounge wear, and leggings—those are folded. I find that my closet also stays a lot neater this way! In my closet renovation, I opted for more hanging space and fewer drawers, since I only keep bathing suits, pajamas, underwear, socks and bras in them.

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Keep shoes together and out of boxes

I fought this idea for a long time, thinking my shoes would get dusty if they weren't in a box and that I should "protect" them. However, I've come to realize that you save a ton of space by getting them out of their boxes or clear containers. If you have space, store your shoes on shelves in one area of your closet. Having them organized out in the open also allows you to try them on faster with an outfit. 

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Consider adding a small ottoman

This is another tip that seems so insignificant but can go a very long way in optimizing your closet. Functionally, adding a small ottoman, bench, or other similar piece of furniture gives you a place to sit when putting on shoes. It also adds a bit more of a homey vibe and makes your closet feel more like a retreat. 

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Get a small steamer

Clothing sometimes looks better steamed instead of ironed. Steamers are also quick and easy to use, and they work on every type of fabric! A good steamer doesn’t have to be large or industrial strength and in fact, there are several excellent portable options. I love my Rowenta steamer (I also have a heavy-duty iron from them that I love!). Just don’t let too many people know you have one…they’ll come over all the time to borrow it!

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Have a strategic flat surface

I mentioned earlier that I dislike folding most of my clothing.  However, sometimes there's no way around it. Having a flat surface available, like a pull-out shelf gives you an area (and a reason!) to refold things when you're done trying them on or when they come back from the cleaner. That simple flat surface will also encourage you to keep your closet less cluttered, which is a huge benefit!

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Consider a valet rod

Do you tend to hang clothes from doorknobs and the tops of open doors when you're deciding on an outfit or packing? I have — until I learned about valet rods, that is. A valet rod comes in many styles, shapes, and sizes, but is essentially a rod or pole designed specifically for hanging clothes. It's a super simple item that prevents your clothes from dragging on the floor or getting dusty, and it helps keep things nicely organized.  

So there you have it — my top tips for a closet renovation or refresh! Remember, the whole point of this project is that your closet is meant to be your own little space, not something that stresses you out the moment you step into it trying to decide what to wear. I've always thought of my closet as my little sanctuary, a place that reflects my personality and style. I like to keep personal touches such as diffusers (but never candles!) and a couple of special items from family members, like my dad's old tie and a hat from my grandma.

My closet had become so unorganized and messy that it was no longer any of those things. Now, I've been wearing so much more of my clothing because my closet is visible and organized, and there isn't a single thing I'm the least bit hesitant about keeping. I can honestly say I feel great and love everything in there, and I'd love to help you feel the same about your closet!

Fashionably yours,

Theodora Signature-01.png


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My Top Recommended Closet Essentials

Theo Pace

A closet revamp doesn't necessarily have to mean "out with the old, in with the new." In fact, the last time I revamped mine, I kept almost everything in terms of clothing but added a handful of new, super useful non-clothing items. I'm calling them closet essentials. 

The idea behind this is to optimize your closet. I'm sharing several items I've discovered that I consider absolutely essential to helping you get the most out of your closet and wardrobe, as well as some things you should ditch ASAP. The best part is, I've linked each product I recommend at the bottom of this post so everything is easily and conveniently shoppable.

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01. NO more wire hangers!

Wire and plastic hangers are one of my biggest closet pet peeves — and not just because they look horrible. These types of hangers are absolutely ruthless on your clothes. No matter what type of fabric, everything stretches on wire hangers! It may sound like I'm being a bit dramatic, but it’s truly almost impossible to get your clothes back to normal after those torture devices have abused them!

So, what should you use instead? The velvet hangers that you can find almost anywhere, including big-box stores like Target, Costco, and Amazon. Not only are they much kinder to your clothing, but they also take up far less closet space. In the past I recommended the velvet skirt hangers but I have gone back to the plastic clipped shorts/skirts hangers pictured above. I love these because you can save even more space by "piggybacking" them for shorter items.

02. Invest in quilted purse shapers

Handbags are a bit of an investment for most of us. Like any other type of investment, we should protect them and properly care for them. I used to put plastic in my own to help them keep their shape, but after doing some research, I learned that's actually the worst thing to put inside your purses.

I found these quilted fabric purse shapers and I love them. No more creases and wrinkles in your bags! They come in three sizes, so they're great for everything from clutches to tote bags.

03. Get dust covers for your handbags

Along the same lines as the purse shapers, it's worthwhile to protect your prized bags with dust covers. This is especially true if you put them away for a season or two. Many handbags come with their own dust covers, but you often can't see the bags! Again, after much research, I found these great fabric covers! They have a sheer strip so you can easily see the bag inside, and they come in three sizes.

04. Use shoulder covers for items you only wear occasionally

Items like evening dresses and winter coats that aren't worn very often can easily collect dust, particularly on the shoulders. Shoulder covers protect them and keep the clothes looking their best. While the ones I recommend are plastic, they cover just a small external area of the clothes, so it's nothing to be concerned about. 

05. Boot trees are a must

Like purses, boots are often an investment (and sometimes, a not-so-small investment!). Boot trees are like the quilted purse shapers in that they keep your boots standing tall, preventing wrinkles and permanent creases.

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06. Get a shoe stretcher

We all know that shoes are not created equal. Your "regular" size may be three different numbers with three different brands! Especially with all the online shopping we do, no one wants to go to a cobbler once you finally get the shoes in hand. 

A good shoe stretcher is well worth the investment, so don't skimp on this purchase. Make sure to get a wood one that stretches the length and width or both left and right shoes. Everyone in your family will want to borrow this!

07. Keep foot petals on hand

I always keep a few packs of these in my closet! The heel savers are great for shoes where the leather rubs your heel or if you find yourself sliding. The toe petal adds a little cushion to the ball of your foot and keeps it in place, especially in heels. 

08. Invest in a quality steamer

Clothing sometimes looks better steamed instead of ironed. Steamers are also quick and easy to use, and they work on every type of fabric! A good steamer doesn’t have to be large or industrial strength and in fact, there are several excellent portable options. I love my Rowenta steamer (I also have a heavy-duty iron from them that I love!). Just don’t let too many people know you have one…they’ll come over all the time to borrow it!

09. Use a small collapsible rack

This is one of my most frequently used closet essentials! I find this one to be particularly handy because it collapses and stores easily. I use it frequently when I'm pulling items for traveling, sorting, and outfit planning. Funny enough, I have quite a few friends who thought I was crazy until they got their own racks!

10. Smaller must-have closet essentials

These little items are the definition of "tiny but mighty." I use lint removal tape and Downy Wrinkle Releaser frequently, especially when I'm in a hurry. Looking rumpled or being covered in lint is never a good look! Similarly, a battery-operated fabric shaver/de-fuzzer quickly makes sweaters and other "fuzzy" items look new again. Double-sided tape has saved me from embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions more times than I can count!

Bonus: The Hanger Valet

Finally, The Hanger Valet works wonders for planning outfits ahead of time. This innovative product allows you to put complete outfits together and even includes small zippered pockets for accessories and intimates. 

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Enjoy checking out my closet essentials below, and just a quick heads up: some of my suggestions contain affiliate links. If you purchase through one of these links, you won't pay a penny more, but I may earn a small commission, which helps me keep the lights on! Thank you!! And remember — NO wire hangers!!

Fashionably yours,

Theodora Signature-01.png


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Common Mistakes When Shopping for Clothes

Sol Operation Solutions

How to Avoid the “Fashion Regret”

Have you ever experienced a fashion regret? Trust me you’re not alone! I've fallen into several traps over the years. I have been drawn in by designer names at times and I've purchased things on vacation I didn't really need. I even bought outfits for “that event” that I thought I might attend.  These kind of heat-of-the-moment purchases are what leads to fashion regrets. 

Online ordering is another pitfall. Have you ever ordered something and been surprised by how different it looked in person? This is also similar to not trying things on in the store while shopping. There’s no way to know if it will fit well, or suit us, until we get home. Add a sale to the mix and you’ve got yourself a minefield of bad ideas.

So how do we avoid these regrets? How do we shop for good style investments?

When I buy clothes, I want to make good investments. I want the clothes to be timeless in style, to last a long time, and to spend more time on me than on the hanger. I have learned how to do this well the hard way. There isn’t anything worse than making a purchase, then regretting it and feeling like I just wasted hard earned money. I have a few questions to keep in mind while you’re shopping to ensure that you won’t make another Fashion Regret.

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Download my free Stylist In My Pocket Guide below. It’s my favorite fashion tool in my pocket that I use on my shopping trips.

Here are some questions I like to think about before making a fashion purchase.

Does it fit my body well?

I can’t even count how many times in the past when I have purchased an item of clothing, only to realize it doesn't fit properly. One recommendation I consistently share with my clients is to try things on to save you the hassle of a return. If you are planning on making countless alterations, you may never be satisfied with the final product. If you are trying to make a decision between sizes it may be best to pass on the items and not purchase at all.

Will I be comfortable wearing this item?

I often pass on wearing an outfit knowing that is uncomfortable. When I decide what to wear I will ask myself a few questions. Is the jacket too snug in the shoulders making it difficult to drive? Can I walk more than 10 steps without holding onto my husband? When you make a fashion purchase you want to make sure your purchase is comfortable. Move around in an item. Sit, cross your legs, bend squat do whatever you do on a daily basis to be sure the item you are contemplating is comfy. Wear shoes around the department store and don’t just walk on carpeted areas, walk on hard floors too. If there is any doubt, leave it at the store!


Does this match MY style?

Have you made a purchase based on styles that you admire on other women, rather then the style you know and love? My clients have shared so many similar stories about their fashion regrets based on that same feeling. I encourage my clients to experiment with style, but when it comes to making a commitment to a new look, experiment with one item at a time. Know YOUR OWN STYLE first and think about if you would really wear this new look before making the purchase.

Does it fit my lifestyle?

Take a moment to really think about your lifestyle….

The early morning school run, cleaning the house, sitting at a desk all afternoon; are your clothes built for this? If you’re not likely to wear your pearls and Chanel to the grocery store, it may be best to stick to some basic staples. On the other hand, if you’re always out on the town or at dinner parties, do you really need another pair of jeans? When you know YOUR style that matches YOUR lifestyle you will see yourself making less mistakes.

Can I afford it?

Working out if you can afford something goes deeper than the money in your purse. Can you afford to wear the outfit regularly without fear that you’ll ruin it? Can you afford to get it repaired if you do? Sometimes we treat ourselves to clothes that we never end up wearing, because we’re afraid of wasting that money. But clothes are made to be worn, so find a comfortable price range and stick to it.

Do I have a place to wear it?

A big factor in why a lot of our garments lay unworn, is because we buy them for an occasion that may never come. I see many formal dresses that I feel are perfect for weddings and dinner parties, but I tell myself to hold back until I actually have the event to attend.

Does it fit a purpose, and fill a gap in my wardrobe?

Now here is a tip for you that will change your shopping experience. Go to the store when you need something will save you a lot of time and money. Pinpointing what you need and why you need it, will help you avoid repetitive buying. Hold the item you’re interested in and ask yourself; what purpose will this item fulfill? Where will I wear it? Will I wear it often? Is it something I don’t already own? Is there a deeper reason to purchasing it than ‘I just want it’?

P.S I offer a Virtual Styling App that you can load your entire wardrobe and scroll through as you’re shopping!

Can I wear it with at least 3 other things in my wardrobe?

Three is the magic number! Before you buy an item, think about what you have at home to pair with it. Imagine what the garment will look like with 2-3 other pieces. Can you match this item with your favorite jacket? Or does the top fit with your favorite skirt? If you can pair this item with least 2-3 items, you will be more satisfied with this purchase.

Don’t fall for that BOGO sale every time! Do I really want this item, or is it just part of a tempting deal?

Impulse sale buying can definitely lead to fashion regrets and clothes you don’t wear. How often do you buy clothes that are part of a buy-one-get-one-free deal? That free you wear it often? Deals often trick us into thinking we are saving money! Don’t fall for it if you weren’t planning on buying the item anyway, you’re only spending more money, and giving up more space in your closet. Closet space is so valuable so think about that when a sales sign catches you.

Does the brand name matter in my closet?

It can be easy to be drawn to an item because it’s a name brand. The newest “It” bag or The must have designer shoes of the season are so beautiful and on everyone’s wish list. Does it mean we have to have them or are you drawn to them because of the logo? Imagine taking the name/logo off the item. Would it still be as appealing? This might save you a few dollars when you get tempted by that favorite brand name.

Fashionably Yours,

Theodora Signature-01.png


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Top 10 Items to Purge From Your Closet This Winter

Kristen Peterson

Almost everyone I know participates in some form of spring cleaning, whether it's organizing the medicine cabinet or overhauling the garage. In my opinion, however, winter is an even better time of year for cleaning and getting organized. Think about it: most people spend more time inside and have more "downtime" during the winter (especially this year!). Why not turn that idle time into something productive? 

My personal favorite "winter cleaning" project is purging my closet. Maybe it's just in my head, but something about the new year just beginning helps bring into focus that saying, "out with old, in with the new." I just love the look and feel of a closet that's been freshly-organized! It may seem like going through your closet is fairly straightforward, but I've picked up some tips and tricks that will make the process much easier. 


Believe me, I've been there – you have every intention of purging your closet, but quickly find yourself justifying why you shouldn't get rid of anything. I wore this to so-and-so's wedding. Blue is my color. Oh, I love this dress! Truthfully, regardless of how much you love something, it isn't benefitting you at all shoved in the a drawer or hanging in a crammed closet where you can't even see it.

In order to properly purge your closet, you're going to have to be brutally honest with yourself. If you've only worn something once or can't remember the last time you wore it (or IF you ever wore it!), it's time for it to go. Along the same lines, if you rarely reach for a certain piece and can't picture the next time it will be worn, you should probably get rid of it. You may have heard a rule that if it's been more than a couple of years since you wore something, you should part with it. Personally, I don't totally agree with that – if it's a timeless, unique piece that you genuinely love and you honestly believe you'll wear it again, hang onto it. But that's the key question: will you realistically wear it again? 

I know it can be difficult, but on the bright side, purging several items from your closet means you're making room for one or two more that you really love!

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Or coats that aren’t very warm. Winter fashion has come a long way in recent years. Even puffer coats are much more compact than they used to be! Consider getting rid of any that are noticeably bulky, as well as any that simply don't keep you warm. 

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The term "fashion hurts" is a thing of the past. I no longer keep shoes that require grabbing someone nearby to steady myself! If a pair of shoes hurts or causes discomfort, say goodbye.

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If you wouldn't leave the house in it and you only wear it to “bum around”, it's gotta go. There's no need to keep any clothes just for "bumming around!"

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Items kept out of guilt. We all have them. They aren't our style, but we hold onto them because they're from someone we respect. However, someone else may get lots of use out of that new-with-tags sweater you'll realistically never wear.

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Graphic tees have a lot of wonderful uses in fashion, but it simply doesn't make sense to wear your "Single and Ready to Mingle" shirt years after you got married or walk around in a tee for a band you no longer listen to.

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This one is along the same lines as "bumming around" sweaters. Just because something is specifically for exercise, doesn't mean it has to be plain, worn out, or in poor condition. Plus, cute new workout clothes can be extra motivating!

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Delicates aren't made to last for years and years. Treat yourself to new intimates at least once a year, and get rid of any that are stretched out.

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Accessories fall into that category of things most people accumulate without even realizing it. Keep one or two good winter hats and gloves, and get rid of any that look dated or worn out.

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Some items simply can't be tailored and sometimes, we mistakenly try to get them to work. If you're still not wearing it, just let that mistake go.

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Although I'm a huge advocate of timeless styles like a great denim shirt, even I can't resist hot, on-trend items from time to time. Their lifespan is short, though, so get rid of a few pieces each time you purge your closet. Bell-sleeve tops and cold-shoulder sweaters are great examples.

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Now that you've successfully purged your closet of clothes you no longer wear (yay!), the next step is deciding what to do with them. Items that are obviously worn out or damaged should simply be thrown away, but everything else should be donated or recycled. This is an easy thing you can do to be more sustainable, as it helps keep clothes – which are generally not biodegradable – out of landfills. Plus, other people may be able to give your items new life!

Churches and homeless shelters in your local community are probably always accepting donations. If you need more ideas, I found this one from Good Housekeeping to be very thorough and helpful. 

I hope these tips have helped inspire you to purge your closet this winter. I know I'll be doing my own! I'd love to see which tips you use, plus hear about your own tricks of the trade, so please tag me and let me know on Instagram @therealchachaolivia! Happy purging, friends!

Happy purging, friends!

Theodora Signature-01.png


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A New Take on the Dreaded Closet Purge.

Theo Pace


So many people offer suggestions on how to take on this project...probably because it is (in my opinion) one of the worst jobs to tackle. Interestingly enough, I could purge my kids closet, a friends closet or my mother in laws closet with no problem. I am great at telling people what to toss, what to sell and what to keep! When it comes to my closet it is a whole different story.

This is such an overwhelming task. And, quite frankly, I don’t find it fun.  It was actually Anton (LOML and biggest fan) who suggested tackling this with some friends. I love this…we are always looking for ways to get together with girlfriends, right?  And, if you’re reading this blog you are probably all about fashion, right? And, we usually hang with like minded women, right?

Here’s how you go about it…

(Remember, these are difficult times and you might have to adjust the way you tackle this. Maybe your friends meet over Zoom or Facetime, maybe they come to your house and you wear your masks and try to stay distant. There are safe ways to tackle this project and have fun all while doing it safely!)

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1. Pick 2 of your closest friends. You know, the ones who know you best. The ones who get your lifestyle and your fashion sense. The ones who aren’t afraid to be honest with you.

2. Make arrangements to have a “girls night in.” Find a sitter. Buy some champagne or wine and some easy appetizers that you don’t mind serving in your bedroom.  

3. Before the guests arrive pull out all the “question marks” in your closet. This means anything that needs altering, anything you haven’t worn in a while or anything that you are having trouble pairing up with other things in your wardrobe. You might find a rolling rack and a folding table helpful.  

4. Start a donate bag and a toss bag. You can also start a “sell section” for online consignment to get a little cash back.

5. No need to waste time on things that are worn out or stained. Start the “toss” bag before the guests arrive. If it’s something that you love and you need to replace because you wore it a lot, start a “need to replace” shopping list. The same goes for worn out costume jewelry. Toss it!!!

6. Shoes are a little different. If they really hurt and you don’t wear them or can’t walk in them... life is too short for uncomfortable shoes! Leave these out for a suggestion on donate or “sell” or maybe one of your friends will find them comfortable.

7. When the guests arrive put on a fun playlist and start a fashion show. Remember the scene from “Sex and the City?” Let your friends help you it worth it to alter it?  Maybe they can pair up that item that’s not getting wear? Or maybe they will tell you to “just let it go?”

8. A nice thank you for your girlfriends could be a gift card to a favorite store, or
gift them a couple of your “donate” or “sell” items. I think it’s always fun to see
someone enjoy something that I wasn’t wearing and make it their own.

9. Pick a friend to bring the donate bag to the donation drop. If it hangs around
you may be tempted to pull things out.  Don’t look back!

10. Have fun and maybe your friends will ask to host the next one!

If you need to tackle this project alone, I totally get it. It can be done! I’d love to send you my list of helpful tips on how to make this a painless solo project, see below.


Fashionably yours,

Theodora Signature-01.png


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