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How To Shop Sustainably: GOOD Design is SUSTAINABLE Design

Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


How To Shop Sustainably: GOOD Design is SUSTAINABLE Design

Theo Pace

I don’t know why it has taken me so long to get on the Fashion Sustainability Train. After further investigation, I have learned about the unbelievable amount of waste produced by the fashion industry every day. 

I am on a journey to become more educated about fast fashion and how to shop ethically so I can contribute to improving the world around us! I hope you will join me on this journey so we can discover new ways to improve our world together. I’ll continue to pass on tips I learn along the way.

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Listen to the Facts…

Environment Pollution
Next to oil, fashion is the second-largest contributor to environmental pollution! Crazy right? The clothing we wear daily can drastically affect the environment around us. Fabrics like polyester and cotton are made from chemical processes that are severely dangerous to the environment.

Water Waste and Contamination
The fashion industry is also responsible for 20% of the world's water waste. The amount of water it takes to produce certain textiles is the factor, not people washing their clothes more than they need to. That's not all! Toxic chemicals from denim dye and leather tanning are released into the water near factories, polluting the water.

More Trash
Fast fashion is especially harmful to the environment...What is fast fashion?  Fast fashion is cheap, trendy clothing, that is inspired by sample ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture.  Manufacturers are able to make garments for sale at lower end stores or online at a crazy speed to meet consumer demand.  At it's inexpensive price tag it is easy to wear and toss after just a season. Therefore putting more and more man made fabrics in waste sites.

Where Do We Start?

So in hopes to redeem myself, I came up with a helpful list of things to keep in mind when making purchases so you can shop more sustainably.

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1. Ask yourself, will you get more than 25 wears out of something?
This is my favorite one yet! When you’re about to purchase a clothing item, think to yourself, “Will I wear it a minimum of 25 times?” If your answer is yes, then you know you'll get the wear out of the item and it won't necessarily be "harmful" because you won't be tossing it after a season. However, you will be surprised about how many times you will say no.

2. Buy Less!
Keep yourself from buying different versions of the same style of shirt or jeans if you know you’re not going to wear them.  Really think about using what's in your wardrobe before purchasing more.

3. Upcycle!
By finding new uses for old clothes, you can decrease the amount of waste you produce from unwanted clothing you have laying around. I love finding new companies who create their lines with this in mind.

4. Look after your clothes so they last longer
This one sounds pretty obvious but I promise you that this is important! If you look after your clothing well enough, you won’t have to be replacing items so frequently.

5. Shop Vintage
Adding more vintage items to your closet will not only be super stylish but also great for the environment! Making new items only increases the amount of new energy needed. But for vintage clothing, it’s none.

6. Be Informed
It is easy to message a company on social media and ask what they are doing to watch their carbon footprint. Do a little research to find a handful of brands you love and start from there! There are quite a bit of clothing brands that keep sustainable clothing in mind.

7. Avoid the temptation of fast fashion
Purchasing fast fashion items might seem like it will save you money. Keep in mind what the people making those garments might be making. What are their working conditions like? As well as what harm is it doing to the environment?

Final Thoughts

Every day without realizing it, we make decisions that affect the environment in ways that are hard to recover from. I hope that I have provided you with enough information that will make you think twice about future purchases cause I know my views have changed!

Watch my IGTV series: Shopping Sustainability and follow my journey as I learn more about this package. I’ll be sharing my findings and any tips that will be helpful to you ladies.

Fashionably Yours,



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