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Building On Your Summer Classics With "On Trend" Yet Timeless Pieces

Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Building On Your Summer Classics With "On Trend" Yet Timeless Pieces

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I’m excited to show you how to build on your Summer Wardrobe of basics by mixing in some “on trend” but not too trendy pieces to update the looks.

I chose 11 of my “go to” Summer basics to work with as examples. Your basic options can be similar they don’t have to be exactly the same. For instance, you might choose denim shorts where I chose white or black. You might choose a navy, shorter dress where I chose a white longer version.

Check out this IG TV Styling Series @TheRealChachaOlivia for a closer look at all the items and styling tips CLICK HERE.

11 Basics Items you need in your closet

Take a closer look at the Chacha-Olivia: Summer Classics Catalogue

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  1. A lightweight dress-Long, short or midi. You can be pair it with sandals or fun sneakers. I get lots of mileage from this dress because it can be paired with so much. You may choose a different length or color but it would still be a great basic in your closet.

  2. A denim jacket- This item is a great match with different outfits pretty much year round!

  3. Solid Shorts- Neutral color  

  4. Basic pants- Neutral color

  5. Denim Skirt/Shorts- Length is your preference

  6. Denim Blouse- this is also another great piece to have in your closet year round. In the summer you may choose sleeveless.

  7. Light weight Short Sleeve Blouse- I get a lot of mileage out of this item too! Plus it is really comfortable and cool!

  8. Basic White Tee

  9. Simple white tank- another top that can be paired with everything and a tank top is a must have for the Summer.

  10. Sneakers- White sneaker can be matched with all different colors and styles

  11. Sandals- Pick a neutral sandal that can be switched between outfits

These are all great capsule items. A good rule of thumb, especially for a capsule, is 3 tops to 1 bottom. You could easily pack for a 2 week trip using these items creating around 15 outfits. That is really convenient and you won’t wear the same outfit twice.

On to updating these basics with “On trend” fun pieces to round out your wardrobe and create double the looks!

Take a closer look at the Chacha-Olivia: On Trend Summer Wardrobe Builders

Try adding the following…

*A printed tank. One that will work with 3 bottoms and that you can layer with the denim jacket too. This will give you a sleeveless option for those hot and humid days. Not into sleeveless? We can look at cap sleeve or you will see other options in the catalogue.

*A puffy sleeve is so on trend right now. My advice here is don’t overdo the puff. You will want to wear it in seasons to come! I opted for white and chose simplicity here because I knew I wouldn’t be layering it.

*Add a printed bottom or solid bright color pant or short. You can choose lengths from Mini, Midi, or even Maxi to fit your style.

*Finally shoes can be a great way to add some flare to your capsule items as well give your wardrobe a new look.

Here are my suggestions…

*Slides/Mules are very popular for Summer. You can choose simple again here or add something with some flair. I love this mule option over a flip flop. There is definitely more support and coverage but you still have the feel of being in a sandal.

One of my favorites to add to my capsule items is a trendy sneaker. You can choose a wild print to pair with your basics. You may choose a more mild look but try something that isn’t white!

Some Final Thoughts

Keep in mind ladies that these are my style picks. What I want to encourage you to do this Summer is to step outside your box and really make your wardrobe work for you. I’m all about shopping your closet and getting the most wear from what is in your wardrobe already. It is fun to add dimension to your wardrobe by adding pieces of interest! Please share your photos with me @TheRealChachaOlivia or use #ChachaOliviaStylingTips. I love seeing all your creative minds and confidence bloom through your style.

As always if you want to reach out to me for a quick 30 min chat so we can discuss your style, wardrobe dilemmas, or how to work with me, I’m always here for a fun girl chat! You can book a FREE 30 min call with me or check out my website to see how we can work together virtually. Look forward to chatting with you!

Fashionable yours,

Theo signature_sm2-01.jpg

While I will always select the best items for you, some of the links included may be automatically affiliated. This helps support my business and allows me to keep my rates what they are while spending the time necessary to find and create these recommendations.


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