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10+ Ways to Style White Booties

Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


10+ Ways to Style White Booties

Kristen Peterson

Fashion trends can be confusing because they are always changing and sometimes it seems as if we can't keep up. 

 I don’t personally like to invest in things that may look dated in a year or two, but life is short and sometimes it’s fun to try something different. Styling these trends is one of those things I like to play around with when I want to shake up some of my looks.

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I was a little hesitant at first to try the white bootie trend, but they are back for a second Fall Season and I am really attracted to them. 

As with any item of clothing and especially when considering a new purchase, I don’t like to commit unless I can find several ways to style them. So, I created a quick styling video on IGTV to help encourage you to try them if these little white booties have been catching your eye too! 

If you haven't watched it already, head over to Instagram, I'm @therealchachaolivia (and be sure to follow me for more style tips). 

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1-3. Pair with Denim

The first 2 style tips are all about denim! Denim is a “go-to” for me as I love dressing jeans up and down. White boots add that much more dimension to denim.

If you are shy at first about trying this fashion-forward trend, have it peep out the tip of a bootleg jean.

1. A bootleg jean. If you are shy at first about trying this fashion-forward trend, have it peep out the tip of a bootleg jean

2. A cropped jean will really draw attention to the bottom and show off the look.

3. A tapered jean can be adjusted to just the right length to work with your own personal bootie pick.

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4. Pair with the Unexpected

Try your booties with a dress or outfit that you normally wear more dressed up.

This will make the dress or outfit more versatile and add to your unique style.

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5. Try a Pair of Joggers

Not real sweatpants but the joggers that look more like leisurewear.

I paired them in the video with the Alice and Olivia vegan jogger.

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6. Okay….we are back to denim!

I wore mine with a midi length denim skirt and loved the look.

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7. A Monochrome Look

Wear variations of white and beige to add length. I have always loved an outfit made with different shades of color and white is no exception!

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8. Style with a Shorter Dress.

If you love your legs, why not accentuate them? And if you don't, it's a great way to practice body positivity!

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9. Try with a Patterned Pant

Especially one in black and white will give you a fresh new option from the typical “black and white” look.

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10. Pair with an Asymmetrical Hem

This would be another fun option for showing off that new addition to your wardrobe. I used an asymmetrical dress but you could use a skirt too.

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11. The Boho Change-Up

Adding white boots to one of your favorite boho looks will change the whole look around.

A cowboy boot in black would normally be the perfect “look” to wear with the dress in my video. It spices it up and mixes the style by adding the white bootie.


Those are my White Bootie Styling Tips, I hope they were helpful and that you'll try a few. If you do, don’t forget to share your looks with me @therealchachaolivia. I’d love to see the outfit combos you create with this fun style trend. If it's new for you and something you've been considering, take a chance, you might just end up loving it!

Not sure which boot to try?
Here are some of my picks

Happy Styling Ladies,

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