Top 10 Items to Purge From Your Closet This Winter
Kristen Peterson
Almost everyone I know participates in some form of spring cleaning, whether it's organizing the medicine cabinet or overhauling the garage. In my opinion, however, winter is an even better time of year for cleaning and getting organized. Think about it: most people spend more time inside and have more "downtime" during the winter (especially this year!). Why not turn that idle time into something productive?
My personal favorite "winter cleaning" project is purging my closet. Maybe it's just in my head, but something about the new year just beginning helps bring into focus that saying, "out with old, in with the new." I just love the look and feel of a closet that's been freshly-organized! It may seem like going through your closet is fairly straightforward, but I've picked up some tips and tricks that will make the process much easier.
Believe me, I've been there – you have every intention of purging your closet, but quickly find yourself justifying why you shouldn't get rid of anything. I wore this to so-and-so's wedding. Blue is my color. Oh, I love this dress! Truthfully, regardless of how much you love something, it isn't benefitting you at all shoved in the a drawer or hanging in a crammed closet where you can't even see it.
In order to properly purge your closet, you're going to have to be brutally honest with yourself. If you've only worn something once or can't remember the last time you wore it (or IF you ever wore it!), it's time for it to go. Along the same lines, if you rarely reach for a certain piece and can't picture the next time it will be worn, you should probably get rid of it. You may have heard a rule that if it's been more than a couple of years since you wore something, you should part with it. Personally, I don't totally agree with that – if it's a timeless, unique piece that you genuinely love and you honestly believe you'll wear it again, hang onto it. But that's the key question: will you realistically wear it again?
I know it can be difficult, but on the bright side, purging several items from your closet means you're making room for one or two more that you really love!
Or coats that aren’t very warm. Winter fashion has come a long way in recent years. Even puffer coats are much more compact than they used to be! Consider getting rid of any that are noticeably bulky, as well as any that simply don't keep you warm.
The term "fashion hurts" is a thing of the past. I no longer keep shoes that require grabbing someone nearby to steady myself! If a pair of shoes hurts or causes discomfort, say goodbye.
If you wouldn't leave the house in it and you only wear it to “bum around”, it's gotta go. There's no need to keep any clothes just for "bumming around!"
Items kept out of guilt. We all have them. They aren't our style, but we hold onto them because they're from someone we respect. However, someone else may get lots of use out of that new-with-tags sweater you'll realistically never wear.
Graphic tees have a lot of wonderful uses in fashion, but it simply doesn't make sense to wear your "Single and Ready to Mingle" shirt years after you got married or walk around in a tee for a band you no longer listen to.
This one is along the same lines as "bumming around" sweaters. Just because something is specifically for exercise, doesn't mean it has to be plain, worn out, or in poor condition. Plus, cute new workout clothes can be extra motivating!
Delicates aren't made to last for years and years. Treat yourself to new intimates at least once a year, and get rid of any that are stretched out.
Accessories fall into that category of things most people accumulate without even realizing it. Keep one or two good winter hats and gloves, and get rid of any that look dated or worn out.
Some items simply can't be tailored and sometimes, we mistakenly try to get them to work. If you're still not wearing it, just let that mistake go.
Although I'm a huge advocate of timeless styles like a great denim shirt, even I can't resist hot, on-trend items from time to time. Their lifespan is short, though, so get rid of a few pieces each time you purge your closet. Bell-sleeve tops and cold-shoulder sweaters are great examples.
Now that you've successfully purged your closet of clothes you no longer wear (yay!), the next step is deciding what to do with them. Items that are obviously worn out or damaged should simply be thrown away, but everything else should be donated or recycled. This is an easy thing you can do to be more sustainable, as it helps keep clothes – which are generally not biodegradable – out of landfills. Plus, other people may be able to give your items new life!
Churches and homeless shelters in your local community are probably always accepting donations. If you need more ideas, I found this one from Good Housekeeping to be very thorough and helpful.
I hope these tips have helped inspire you to purge your closet this winter. I know I'll be doing my own! I'd love to see which tips you use, plus hear about your own tricks of the trade, so please tag me and let me know on Instagram @therealchachaolivia! Happy purging, friends!
Happy purging, friends!