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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


A dream come true...Never ask yourself "What am I going to wear?" again!

Theo Pace


How are you?

No, really, how are you?

This has certainly been a crazy couple of months. I hope you have been accomplishing all you want…whether it’s reading, doing puzzles, “teaching” online school, working, tackling some projects around the house, or all of the above!

Most importantly, I hope you are well.

What I’ve been hearing…

I have had some great conversations with many of my clients about their time at home, “reentry” and how they feel about their wardrobe.

•Quite a few have said they have been going through and finally purging their wardrobes! Yay! I”m so glad for you! I bet you feel great! Have you been able to create some new outfits with the items that you haven’t worn lately? What did you learn from the items you decided not to keep?

• Even more say they have had more time to exam their wardrobe and realize how much they aren’t wearing! This makes a lot of sense because statistics say we only wear 20% of what we own! Not wearing the other 80%?! That’s not good…we need to fix that!

•Others say they realize they have only been wearing the things they always go to because they don’t have time to “switch it up.” They really aren’t happy with those items and they are re-evaluating how they feel about their “style.” Let’s take the time now to look at what your “go to” items are and determine what your style is and help you get out of your rut.

•Finally, I’ve heard “I still walk into my closet and don’t know what to wear!” I want to be comfortable, but I want to be dressed. I feel better when I’m put together but my life has shifted so much I’m at a loss and I don’t have the energy to think about it! How would you feel if I told you it didn’t have to be that way? You can walk into your closet and know exactly how and what to put together to look and feel your best?

Do you know about my signature service?

I don't know if you know about my signature service Stylist in Your Pocket but be prepared for a life changing experience!

It's an easy 5 step process that welcomes me (virtually) into your closet to get you feeling confident and stylish in no time. After you have uploaded your closet on your own, or with my assistance, you will literally, have ME in your pocket for all your fashion needs.

There are several options for every lady and every need. I will be available to pack for your trips, pick your hostess outfits, or even create your outfits to work from home! I’ll offer catalogs with suggestions on items to round out your wardrobe. Plus great bonuses will be added monthly for you to have fun with in the month.

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I can't tell you how excited I am to be able to enhance the client experience working with me on a digital platform. ESPECIALLY during all this COVID Craziness." Once life gets back to normal, which it will, you will walk into your closet and know exactly what you’re going to wear.

Stay tuned for an upcoming promotion! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to be the first to learn about the Early Bird Special. Not on social media? Be sure to sign up for emails and watch your inbox for more details from me!

Fashionably yours,
