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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Reflections on a Beauty Make-Over.

Theo Pace

2019-04-13 20.03.18.jpg

Just recently I was asked by a client “Where do I go to get my make-up done?” As always, I was honest…I said “Oh God, I haven’t done that in so long!” I felt a little guilty admitting that. I mean, I’m a stylist. I help women look and feel fabulous. “How could I stop at clothing and let my make-up or skin care go?” So, I started searching out different lines and make-up artists and decided to try one.

I normally don’t have my make-up done for events. I usually just do my own for fear I’ll head out to the event not looking like myself. So, I avoided it until a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to give it a go because it honestly has been over 4 years since I had my make-up refreshed and for that matter my skin care. I pick up skin care products here and there but haven’t gone through a start to finish routine with a line in forever.

I found Christina, in Palm Beach Gardens, at the YSL counter in Nordstroms. She was recommended by Tina, the great lady who helps me with my perfume obsession! Christina asked me questions about my lifestyle and my comfort zone. I told her looks I like but hesitate to try because it seems like “too much make-up.” She really listened and I felt very comfortable with her. I left that counter feeling so good. I felt refreshed and certainly myself, just updated!

I was so pleased with my make-up and with the way my skin felt the day after my event, that I talked to Christina about hosting a “YSL Master Class.” I was to invite some friends, and Christina and two other YSL colleagues would guide us through a tutorial on the YSL skincare routine and make-up application.

I think it’s safe to say we all felt refreshed and beautiful. Everyone left with goodie bags of YSL products and Tina even had perfume samples for us to take home! It was so much fun being pampered. And, 5 of us( who really don’t know each other all that well), enjoyed some much needed girl time!

The most thought provoking comment I heard after the event was “Theo, I just didn’t realize how much I let myself go.” And, I felt the same way. Self care means different things to different people. The way I look and dress says a lot about how I feel about myself.

If you read my post “I. Feel. Pretty,” (you can read it here,) you would see why this type of self care is important to me. We all get busy. We put off things like facials or manicures because they fall so far down the priority list. I came away holding on to that incredible feeling of being refreshed and updated. I also felt this from the women who were with me. It was fun watching one another transform. I loved listening to the compliments and suggestions.

So, whatever it is that may rejuvenate you…I suggest doing it more often! Go for the make-over and then to lunch with some friends. Take a hike with the love of your life. Spend time reading or picking out a new outfit. Find that “thing” that puts a spring in your step and do more of it.



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