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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Please Don't Refer To Me as a Fruit or a Geometric Shape. My Thoughts on Why I Don't Believe in "Dressing for Your Body Type."

Theo Pace

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You’re probably getting to know me a lot better through these blog posts. I don’t dress “age appropriately.” I don’t mind packing a little extra when traveling. I definitely don’t believe all horizontal stripes make you look wide. Most importantly, I don’t like putting my body in the category of a fruit or a geometric shape!

Let’s be real. How is associating yourself with an apple really supposed to make you feel? I thought we weren’t supposed to be so hard on ourselves? I don’t want to be compared to an apple or a pear, or a circle or a square for that matter.

Come on ladies!!!! Whose bright idea was this anyway!? Do I sound annoyed? I am.

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Think about it…we are asked to equate ourselves with a geometric shape or a fruit. Then we are told how to dress that shape in order to disguise it and make it look more like what society deems as desirable.

Why are we trying to make ourselves look like what society is saying is the ideal way to look? Aren’t we good enough the way we are?

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Instead of focusing on what will make us look different (or better) according to “someone”, shouldn’t we focus on what we feel comfortable in and what we like? (Have you read I. Feel. Pretty.”? Please check it out! It ties into this whole topic!) Just recently I wore this skirt and it doesn’t “minimize” my hips. Being the “hour glass or butternut squash” that I am, I’m guessing I would be told this is a “NO.” However, I LOVE the skirt and I do in fact HAVE HIPS!

Why are we focused on changing the way we want our bodies to look instead of enhancing our style and expressing our personality?

Shouldn’t we spend time finding things we like to wear as opposed to what society is telling us to wear? For example, you’re told you’re a “pear” and pears shouldn’t wear low waisted jeans because they accentuate wider hips. However, you are not comfortable in high waists. As a pear, you are now searching for a high waisted jeans you don’t like to wear. Does this make sense to you? It certainly doesn’t to me!

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Do you really think there are only 4 different body types?

This really isn’t a one size fits all program either. There are so many different body types! Everyone can’t possibly fit into 1 of 4 types! For example, I probably fit in the hourglass category, maybe even a butternut squash? However, in this peri-menopause stage of life, I think I’m crossing over into an apple too!!! So, now what?! I’m mixing fruits and veggies!

Do you see why I don’t agree with this style of dressing? It’s so confusing. It puts focus on what’s not important. It puts many women into a small number of categories. It coninues to make us look at our body and what’s “wrong” with it. Most importantly, it takes all the fun out of dressing!

So, what do I recommend?

First look at store catalogues, magazines and Pinterest to help you find looks you like. Look for styles you’d like to try and women whose style you are “crushing on.”

I would encourage you to set aside the “rules of thumb" here. They are not useful and take all the fun out of creating your look.

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For example, if you love the look of long skirts and have been told you can’t wear them. I would still stress that you save these photos or pins! Look for versions of these items that you can try on and coordinate with different items to achieve the looks you love.

Here’s why…

You’re 5’2” and you have been told over and over that you “shouldn’t” wear long skirts or dresses. However, you love the look of a maxi. I would encourage you to try some different versions of long skirts/dresses and not to give up on them because someone told you “you can’t or shouldn’t wear it.” There are always options!

Look at these…

Both of these options are cut for petites. They are midi length so they will not be down to your ankle. They are not overwhelming in fabric or pattern and could very well offer a more petite frame an outfit with some length!

This is just one example of missing out on a style because of someone’s “rule” about height!

Check out this Midi Skirt …It’s a little longer for a petite woman but the slits on the side can add length because it draws your eye up and down.

Check out this Midi Skirt …It’s a little longer for a petite woman but the slits on the side can add length because it draws your eye up and down.

A handkerchief hem can give the illusion of a maxi without adding too much length.

A handkerchief hem can give the illusion of a maxi without adding too much length.

If we stick to these “body type rules” we could be missing out on some fun styles. Take the time to try on and be open to experimenting with new looks. Don’t limit yourself. I promise you, it will be worth it.

If you still need help…please check out Ways to Work with Theo. While you are there take a peek at My Styling Successes. I’d love for you to be this happy too!

Fashionably yours,

Theo signature_sm2-01.jpg


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