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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Filtering by Category: Closet Cleanse

I'm Going On A Clothes-Shopping Diet. Do You Want To Join Me on the "Shop Your Closet Challenge?"

Theo Pace

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It’s that time of year. Truth be told it happened a lot earlier this year than any other year. I’m shopped out. I’m spent out. I feel overwhelmed with the offers, deals and bargains in my inbox. I am craving simplicity and calm. The New Year almost always starts with resolutions and I’d like to start mine with my closet. Do you feel the same way? Would you like to join me?

I have to credit my good friend Kimmy Lipka for this “dietetic approach” to shopping. Kim and I managed a store together in Massachusetts for over 10 years. Not only were we good friends but “thicker than thieves” shopping partners. We often ended our work days with a “Want to make a Bloomingdale’s run?” We also had a “shopping hotline.”  We would call each other when we were out shopping…”I found this fabulous tote and it’s all about the airport… do you want me to get you one too?” And then one day, I called Kim about an item… I don’t remember what it was now, but I was disappointed and confused when she said…”I can’t - I’m on gas and groceries.”

How I’m feeling at the moment. Overwhelmed by what’s in my closet.

How I’m feeling at the moment. Overwhelmed by what’s in my closet.

She went on to explain that she was only going to buy “gas and groceries” (just the necessities) for the month. As much as I was disappointed in losing my shopping buddy to this new “diet” I thought it was brilliant! I hopped on the “gas and groceries” diet! I have shared this with clients and friends throughout the years. They love it too. Sometimes it happens twice a year but ALWAYS in January. 

Are you with me? 

All month long on social media, I will be offering tips on how to make the most of what is in your closet. You’ll hear tips on how to style what is in your closet and how to get more out of things you don’t wear often. I’ll offer advice on what to keep and what to toss when it comes to weeding through your clothes. I’ll even offer ideas on how to stick to the budget when it comes to filling in items that you need to round out your wardrobe.

Now, I have been on enough “diets” to know that if I deprive myself of too much I’m setting myself up for failure. So, here’s “my clothes-shopping diet goal” for the month of January.

My goal is to buy only what I need. I will look away from all those tempting items I tend to buy because they stop me in my tracks! I also want to wear the things in my closet that I don’t wear often.

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What is your goal?

Keep it simple. Try not to give yourself too many things to do. Perusing through your closet and not shopping might be exactly what you need. Maybe your closet is already paired down and you would like to wear the things in your wardrobe in different ways?

Whatever it is I’m here to help! All month long, I will have tips to help you get the most out of your wardrobe you already own. I’ll also be there to help keep you on track by offering a private facebook group to those who want more support than I can give on posting on social media.

If you are up for the challenge, join me! It’s easy:

  1. Follow me on

  2. I’ll invite you to join the private Facebook group, Shop Your Closet Challenge.

  3. Watch for an email from me with an invitation to join.

  4. If you have any questions about joining the challenge, feel free to email me.

I hope you enjoy the next couple of weeks with family and friends!

Fashionably yours,



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10 Essentials I Highly Suggest You Keep In Your Closet and You'll Never Guess What They Are!

Theo Pace

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Last week I told you about some things I learned from cleaning out my closet. I spent a lot of time in that room over the past month! While I was in there I was thinking of some of the items that help keep me organized and I’d like to share them with you. Yup, this isn’t about staple wardrobe pieces. It’s all about my favorite items that I use almost every day!

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NO More Wire Hangers!

Wire and plastic hangers are one of my biggest pet peeves and not just because they look horrible. They are absolutely ruthless on your clothes. Everything stretches on them! It’s almost impossible to get to your clothes back to normal after they have been abused by those torture devices!

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So, what should you use?

The velvet ones that you can find almost anywhere. I’m so happy the velvet hanger company started making skirt hangers too. Not only are they kind to your clothing but they take up much less space.

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Invest in quilted purse shapers.

After doing some researchI found out that plastic is the worst thing to put in your handbags. I love these quilted fabric purse shapers. No more creases and wrinkles in any of your bags. They come in three sizes so they are great for everything from clutches to tote bags.

Invest in Dust Covers For Your Handbags.

Many handbags come with their own dust covers. It is important to keep bags protected especially if you put them away for a season or two. The only trouble with these covers is you can’t see the bags! Again, after much research, I found these great fabric ones! They actually have a sheer strip so you can see the bag. They also come in three sizes.

Keep these shoulder covers on hand for the items you don’t wear very often.

Evening dresses and winter coats are examples of items that aren’t worn year round or very often. It’s a good idea to keep the shoulders from collecting dust. Yes, they are plastic but they don’t cover the entire garment so no worries here.

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Boot trees are a must.

Think of these like the quilted purse shapers. They will keep your boots standing tall without wrinkles and permanent creases.

A Shoe stretcher!

With all the online shopping we do who wants to go to a cobbler once you finally have the shoes at home? Don’t skimp on stretchers. Make sure to purchase wood ones that can stretch left or right shoes and both length and width. Everyone in your family will be borrowing this!

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I always keep “foot petals” on hand.

The heel savers are great for the heels of your shoe if you find yourself sliding or if the leather rubs your heel. The tip toe petal keeps your foot in place, especially in heels, while adding a little cushion to the ball of your foot. I always keep a couple of packs of these in my closet.

A good steamer.

Sometimes clothing looks better when steamed instead of ironed. A good steamer doesn’t have to be large or industrial strength. Steamers are quick and easy to use and work on everything! I have a heavy duty iron from Rowenta and love their steamer too. Don’t let too many people know you have one…they’ll be over all the time to borrow it!

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Finally, a small rack.

This item is something I use often and it comes in handy! I like this one in particular because it collapses and stores easily. I use it when pulling items for traveling, sorting and outfit planning. I have quite a few friends who thought I was crazy until they got their own!

Enjoy checking out My Closet Essentials below…

Little heads up...some of my suggestions may contain affiliate links. If you purchase through one of those links, you won't pay a penny more but I may earn a small commission, which helps me keep the lights on! Thank you!!!

AND remember! No Wire Hangers!!

Fashionably yours,


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10 Things I Learned From Cleaning Out My Closet.

Theo Pace


Yes, it’s true. It has taken me a month to go through my closet. I’m not a big proponent of cleaning out a closet in one day. I know that works for many people, however, it doesn’t work for me. It’s an overwhelming task even if you aren’t a clothes collector. I like to take section by section and toss what is worn or damaged. I like to take time to mull over what is left. Today I’m not going to go through a closet cleanse with you…today I want to talk to you about what I learned over the past month!

10 Things I learned...

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Don’t take other peoples “hand me downs” if you don’t think you’ll wear them.

My mother-in-law has unbelievable taste! I love going to visit her and we inevitably wind up cleaning her closets! (Right, Mimi?) She will often pass things along to me and most of them I wear and love. Some things, I have never worn and feel terrible that I haven’t. I know when I give someone something from my closet I hope they will get use out of it. I think we all want our items to be worn and appreciated. Before you take someone’s “hand-me-downs,” ask yourself if you will use it. If you don’t think you will, let the donor pass it along to someone who will get wear out of it.

Don’t just assume people want your “hand me downs.”

Sometimes I think passing down my “in good condition, almost like new” clothing is such a nice thing to do. However, this may just overwhelm people and put them into a closet overload. Ask them first…is this something they really think they could use?


Learn from your mistakes.

When you decide to toss or donate an item, ask yourself why you are you letting that particular item go? If you made a mistake and put money towards something that you aren’t wearing, you don’t want to make that mistake again! Download my "Stylist In Your Pocket."
Carry it in your wallet and ask yourself the 10 questions before you purchase another item of clothing. I still keep this in my wallet and it helps!

Don’t let your closet get out of hand.

If you go through your wardrobe often, your closet will never get out of hand. Keep on top of it and take a few minutes to go through sections to help you from becoming overwhelmed. Start with an easy section, like bathing suits or pj’s, to help keep you motivated.

If you haven’t worn something in over a year it really might be time to let it go.

There are certain things I can’t let go of and these aren’t the things I’m talking about. I’m talking about items that you pass over time and time again. If you pass by an item without giving it a second glance and you continue to choose something else to wear, it may just be time to let that item go.

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Life is too short for uncomfortable shoes.

Period. They hurt when you wear them so you inevitably pass on wearing the outfit that goes with them. Don’t hang onto uncomfortable shoes. Find a replacement.

Stay on top of caring for your shoes.

Think of caring for your shoes like brushing your hair. Take the time to polish and resole/reheel them. Leaving the house with tired looking shoes is like leaving the house without combing your hair.

Don’t save “clothes that are too tight” or “clothes that are too big.”

Clothes that are too big or too loose don’t serve a purpose. They only take up space in your closet and more importantly, in your head.

Keep a running list of what you “need” and what you “want” because there is a difference!

Filling in the “needs” should trump filling in the “wants” especially if you’re working on a tight budget.

Sometimes altering an item isn’t the answer.

I have purchased things in the past that needed too many alterations. I never wore the item once it was altered because it still didn’t fit well. Finding a good tailor is key. He/She will tell you if an item can or can’t be tailored to your liking. I learned this the hard way. Not everything can be altered. If something is too large or too snug it is probably a good idea to pass on it.

There is such a feeling of accomplishment to cleaning out our closets. I only recently thought about why I was letting things go. It has saved me from making similar mistakes and therefore money. I hope it does the same for you! I’d love to hear what are some of the reasons why you’ve donated clothes!

Fashionably yours,

Theo signature_sm2.png


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Have You Ever Experienced A Fashion Regret? 10 Tips For Never Regretting a Fashion Purchase Ever Again.

Theo Pace


When I buy clothes, I want to make good investments. I want the clothes to be timeless in style, to last a long time, and to spend more time on me than on the hanger. I have learned how to do this well the hard way. There isn’t anything worse than making a purchase, then regretting it and feeling like I just wasted hard earned money.


I've fallen into several traps over the years. I bought outfits for “that event” that I thought I might attend. I've purchased things on vacation I didn't really need. I have also been drawn in by designer names at times. These kind of heat-of-the-moment purchases are what leads to fashion regrets.  

Clients often tell me they regret buying heels that are too high. They may look great, but being able to walk in them comfortably is important. Online ordering is another pitfall. Have you ever ordered something and been surprised by how different it looked in person? This is also similar to not trying things on in the store while shopping. There’s no way to know if it will fit well, or suit us, until we get home. Add a sale to the mix and you’ve got yourself a minefield of bad ideas.

So how do we avoid these regrets? How do we go shopping and come back with good investments?

Here are some things I like to think about before making a fashion sure to download my free “stylist in your pocket guide" below. I use it myself and it’s a huge help.


There have been many times in the past when I have purchased an item of clothing, only to realize it doesn't fit properly. If you're buying clothes that need countless alterations, you may never be satisfied with the final product. Be sure to try things on to save you the hassle of a return. If you are between two sizes it may be best to not purchase at all and pass on items that need more than a quick hem.


When I’m deciding what to wear for the day, I often pass on wearing an outfit that is uncomfortable. Is the jacket too snug in the shoulders making it difficult to drive? Can I walk more than 10 steps without holding onto my husband? It’s important to make sure your purchase is comfortable. Wear shoes around the department store and don’t just walk on carpeted areas, walk on hard floors too. Move around in an item. Sit, cross your legs, bend squat do whatever you do on a daily basis to be sure the item you are contemplating is comfy. If there is any doubt, leave it at the store!

MY style.

Many of my clients have told me that they have made purchases based on styles they admire on other women, rather than styles they know and love. Experimenting is all well and good, but when it comes to making a commitment to a new look, experiment with one item at a time. Get to know your own style first and think about if you would really wear this new look.

Does it fit my lifestyle?

The early morning school run, cleaning the house, sitting at a desk all afternoon; are your clothes built for this? If you’re not likely to wear your pearls and Chanel to the grocery store, it may be best to stick to some basic staples. On the other hand, if you’re always out on the town or at dinner parties, do you really need another pair of jeans?

Can I afford it?

Working out if you can afford something goes deeper than the money in your purse. Can you afford to wear the outfit regularly without fear that you’ll ruin it? Can you afford to get it repaired if you do? Sometimes we treat ourselves to clothes that we never end up wearing, because we’re afraid of wasting that money. But clothes are made to be worn, so find a comfortable price range and stick to it.

Do I have a place to wear it?

A big factor in why a lot of our garments lay unworn, is because we buy them for an occasion that may never come. I see many formal dresses that I feel are perfect for weddings and dinner parties, but I tell myself to hold back until I actually have the event to attend.

Does it fit a purpose, and fill a gap in my wardrobe?
Only going to the store when you need something will save you a lot of time and money. Pinpointing what you need and why you need it, will help you avoid repetitive buying. Hold the item you’re interested in and ask yourself; what purpose will this item fulfill? Where will I wear it? Will I wear it often? Is it something I don’t already own? Is there a deeper reason to purchasing it than ‘I just want it’?

Can I wear it with at least 3 other things in my wardrobe?

Before you buy an item, think about what you have at home to pair with it. Imagine what the garment will look like with 2-3 other pieces. Does the top fit with your favorite skirt? Can you wear that jacket with your favorite trousers or jeans? If the item can’t be paired with at least 2-3 items, you may want to leave it behind.

Do I really want this item, or is it just part of a tempting deal?

There may be a correlation between impulse sale buying and the clothes you don’t wear. How often do you buy clothes that are part of a buy-one-get-one-free deal? That free you wear it often? Deals often trick us into thinking we are saving money, but if you weren’t planning on buying the item anyway, you’re only spending more money, and giving up more space in your closet.

Brand Name.

It can be easy to be drawn to an item because it’s a name brand. The newest “It” bag or The must have designer shoes of the season are so beautiful and on everyone’s wish list. Does it mean we have to have them or are you drawn to them because of the logo? Imagine taking the name/logo off the item. Would it still be as appealing?

Want My Pocket Stylist Tool?

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Fashionably yours,

Theo signature_sm2-01.jpg


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A New Take on the Dreaded Closet Purge.

Theo Pace


So many people offer suggestions on how to take on this project...probably because it is (in my opinion) one of the worst jobs to tackle. Interestingly enough, I could purge my kids closet, a friends closet or my mother in laws closet with no problem. I am great at telling people what to toss, what to sell and what to keep! When it comes to my closet it is a whole different story.

This is such an overwhelming task. And, quite frankly, I don’t find it fun.  It was actually Anton (LOML and biggest fan) who suggested tackling this with some friends. I love this….we are always looking for ways to get together with girlfriends, right?  And, if you’re reading this blog you are probably all about fashion, right? And, we usually hang with like minded women, right?

Here’s how you go about it….

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  1. Pick 2 of your closest friends. You know, the ones who know you best. The ones who get your lifestyle and your fashion sense. The ones who aren’t afraid to be honest with you.

2. Make arrangements to have a “girls night in.” Find a sitter. Buy some champagne or wine and some easy appetizers that you don’t mind serving in your bedroom.  

3. Before the guests arrive…pull out all the “question marks” in your closet. This means anything that needs altering, anything you haven’t worn in a while or anything that you are having trouble pairing up with other things in your wardrobe. You might find a rolling rack and a folding table helpful.  

4. Start a donate bag and a toss bag. You can also start a “sell section” for online consignment to get a little cash back.

5. No need to waste time on things that are worn out or stained.  Start the “toss” bag before the guests arrive. If it’s something that you love and you need to replace because you wore it alot, start a “need to replace” shopping list. The same goes for worn out costume jewelry. Toss it!!!

6. Shoes are a little different. If they really hurt and you don’t wear them or can’t walk in them... life is too short for uncomfortable shoes!  Leave these out for a suggestion on donate or “sell” or maybe one of your friends will find them comfortable.

7. When the guests arrive…put on a fun playlist and start a fashion show...remember the scene from “Sex and the City?” Let your friends help you it worth it to alter it?  Maybe they can pair up that item that’s not getting wear? Or maybe they will  tell you to “just let it go?”

8. A nice thank you for your girlfriends could be a gift card to a favorite store, or
gift them  a couple of your “donate” or “sell” items. I think it’s always fun to see
someone enjoy something that I wasn’t wearing and make it their own.

9. Pick a friend to bring the donate bag to the donation drop. If it hangs around
you may be tempted to pull things out.  Don’t look back!

10. Have fun and maybe your friends will ask to host the next one!


If you need to tackle this project alone, I totally get it. It can be done! I’d love to send you my list of helpful tips on how to make this a painless solo project, see below.

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