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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Why I don't Believe in Capsule Wardrobes.

Theo Pace


I find the whole idea of a capsule wardrobe interesting. I would be very impressed with someone who could work with 33 (or so) items in their wardrobe and be content with it.

What is a capsule wardrobe?

According to Wikipedia “…a capsule wardrobe is a collection of a few essential items of clothing that don't go out of fashion, such as skirts, trousers, and coats, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces….The term has come to refer to a collection of clothing that is composed of interchangeable items only, to maximize the number of outfits that can be created. The aim is to have an outfit suitable for any occasion without owning excessive items of clothing. This is usually achieved by buying what are considered to be "key" or "staple" items in coordinating colors.”

I tried to understand what the hype is all about with minimalist dressing and the trend towards simplifying. So many things were telling me to embrace simplicity…

I admit, I do stress when my outfit isn’t planned for the day. I get pretty frustrated when I’m throwing things on the bed trying to figure out what to wear (because that does happen…life is busy,) sometimes I don’t get to plan! If I had a lot less to choose from it would make the whole decision making easier. So, why not have less?

Recently my mom sold her home of 30+ years and my sisters and I (mostly my sisters) had to go through all of her belongings with her. It’s much easier to tell someone else it’s “just stuff.” And, donating it or selling it is pretty much the only option if your kids don’t want things. I began to think…”omg! I don’t want to put my kids through this!” Letting go of your “things” is an emotional process. Wouldn’t it be easier for your children if you didn’t save all the letters and greeting cards from over the years?

Finally, I caught a few episodes of Marie Kondo’s new show, “Tidying Up.” You can’t possibly watch her show or read her book and not ask yourself “Does this bring me joy?” when you are trying to decide if you should get rid of something, whether you’re cleaning your office, closet or garage.

What am I missing? Why isn’t Capsule Wardrobing for me? Or even simplifying for that matter?

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The next step was to a search on Pinterest for “Capsule Wardrobes.” Yikes!!! Wayyyy too many capsules and honestly, after looking at 20 of them, I felt like “Meh, they all look the same!” I don’t want my wardrobe to consist of 33+ items. I like variety, I like interest.

I have said it before clothes excite me!

If you have ever shopped with me, as a friend or a client, you know the “gasp” I have when something stops me in my tracks. It could be as simple as the smell of the perfume department. If you’ve been following my Instagram or Facebook you know how excited I get when someone tries something “outside their comfort zone” and is really happy with it. I just received a dm from an old friend, out of state, who loved a tee in one of my photos! I was thrilled that she was going to order it! To me, I helped her find something a little different that really worked for her wardrobe and lifestyle.

Clothing does bring me a lot of joy. I enjoy fashion. I enjoy helping other women feel good in what they wear. I love having choices in my wardrobe. I appreciate fashion as an art.

So before you hop on the “Does it bring you joy?” train and you start tossing, donating or selling I would love for you to ask yourself a few questions.

*Are you ok with wearing similar looks over and over?

*Do you believe that the one dress you choose to have in your wardrobe, could cover any occasion?

*Do you think you would be bored with the same 30+ pieces?

*Do you think you would be content with a very basic set of staples taking you in and out of all aspects of your life?

After answering these questions you pretty much know if Capsule Wardrobes are for you.

I want you to get the most out of your wardrobe. I want to help you define your style and build a wardrobe that you love! Most importantly, I want you to feel like you can mix and match things confidently and get use out of all your clothes. I think having a set of staples is a great place to start…but why stop there? Life is too short to stop at 33 pieces.

Head on over to “Ways to Work With Theo,” and let’s start building a wardrobe that excites you and is easy to work with and never leaves you feeling bored!

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