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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


What is "age appropriate dressing" anyway?

Theo Pace


“Am I too old to wear this?” Clients ask me this all the time. In fact, I often think about it myself! However, I recently decided to shift my mindset on this question.

Chances are, if you’re following my instagram or reading my blog you probably ask yourself the same question. Here’s my take…If you are wondering if something is “age appropriate” try rephrasing the question…“Am I really comfortable wearing this?”

You see, I don’t think a number should define how you dress.


I don’t think “my 51” should be “your 51."

I don’t agree with the rules that have been created regarding what you should wear in your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Dressing for an age is not black and white. In fact, I don’t believe there should be rules about dressing a certain age at all. I think we tend to search out these rules because society tells us we should look a certain way at a certain age. My 51 shouldn’t be compared to your 51. And, I don’t think you can say…when you’re 30 you should start investing in designer bags, when you’re 40 you should start looking more demure, when you’re 50 you shouldn’t let your hair grow past your shoulders or when you’re 90 you should dress like Iris Apfel! Which leads me right to the point…does Iris really dress like a 97 year old? What does a 97 year old woman dress like anyway? Maybe Iris just has a style/look that she is comfortable wearing and makes it her own.

Some people are old when they’re 18 and some people are young when they’re 90. You can’t define people by whatever society determines as their age. Time is a concept that human beings created.”
— Yoko Ono, 84

So, what should define how I dress?

I think our lifestyle, fashion comfort zone and of course, common sense should play a big role in how we dress. I love Iris Apfel’s take on this…she says “I think if a woman has her own style and knows who she is, she doesn’t have to dress for being 60, 20 or 90.” By the age of 40, you’ve pretty much figured out what feels right to you about how you dress. You know that the clothes you wear are a reflection of who you are and how the world sees you. (See my post …I.Feel.Pretty. )

How do I figure out what I’m comfortable in?

When you find yourself wondering if you’re “too old to wear a certain article of clothing” I think it’s important to ask yourself a few questions.

  • Does this outfit/item fit my clothing style?

  • Does this work with my lifestyle?

  • Do I see myself wearing this to an event I’m attending?

  • Or do I see myself wearing this daily as I go about my life?

  • Am I comfortable in this look?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions you might want to take the item out of your wardrobe equation. Remember…if you’re stuck and haven’t really defined your look or style, I’m here to help. Check out “my styling successes.” I’d love for you to be this pleased too!

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