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Theo's Thoughts on fashion and style

Theo’s thoughts on fashion, lifestyle, wardrobe building, closet organizing, travel/packing planning and event specific outfit planning.


Are you an "Outfit Repeater?"

Theo Pace


I am! It takes effort to dive into my cave of clothes and come out with new ways to create looks with things I already own.

Couple this with the fact that I am always looking for what’s “the new look or the new color” and it’s so easy, in this online world, to be inundated with emails from stores where I shop. They do an incredible job at capturing my attention with catchy headlines and beautiful photos. I find it exciting to add these new pieces to my wardrobe for the season and, truth be told….I then tend to wear that “look” a lot. Hence, I become the “outfit repeater.”

My aha moment! “Shop my closet!” I keep saying I’m going to get better about “shopping my closet” So, I decided to challenge myself.


I pulled out a dress to wear, that I purchased at the beginning of Summer, that I hadn’t worn. It was pretty easy to style. It’s a bit of a fun print so it didn’t need much in the way of accessories and I paired it up with a pair of platform white sneakers for running around to all the after school activities. I wish “I had a dollar for every compliment I got that day!” Guess what happened next? I was totally motivated to wear something else that I had yet to wear...ta da!!!!   I mean….shame on me!!! “I have nothing to wear” should never cross my lips.

It is pretty easy to grab the “go to” pieces in our closets. But, all of those other items are in there because you liked them enough to buy them. I want to encourage you to get use out of them! I want to challenge you to “shop your closet”!

So, here are a few ideas on how to style something that has been waiting for some attention from you….most importantly….start with something easy first!

1. Maybe take a dress that you haven’t worn in a while. Is it a “shirt dress?” Try wearing it open with a tank and pair of skinny or tapered jeans, throw on an easy ballet flat and viola!

2. Do you have a denim blouse or plaid blouse that hasn’t seen the light of day? One look I love to wear is a pair of jeans with a basic tee or tank and tie the blouse around the waist. Throw on a fun pair of “kicks” and there you’re wearing the blouse! (kind of ;))

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2018-10-30 10.42.53.jpg

3. How about the silk scarf that usually just goes around your neck with a blazer? Try tying it round your wrist as a bracelet?


Why not tie it onto your handbag strap for a little added color?


or around the waist of your favorite jeans as a soft belt?


4. I love suits and it seems like they are making a little comeback! It’s hard to hear the word suit and not think of an office and a briefcase. Why not make it casual? Put it on with a classic crewneck tee, maybe pull out that scarf again as a belt and instead of heels or ballet flats put on a fun pair of sneakers…(not your running shoes but a fun flat form) like these…

You don’t have to style something new every day. Don’t make it stressful.

Try it once and I bet you will want to start getting more use out of those things you aren’t wearing. With all the clothes in our closets we should never get in a clothing rut. It’s ok to be an outfit repeater...just try not to have a static uniform!

Still struggling?...Consider working with me! There are a variety of ways we can work together to pull your style, closet and outfits together. Check out the options here.



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